Daily Activities
Daily Activities are different tasks and challenges that players are given each day to complete. After completing these activities, a reward will be given and can consist of experience, Gold, Academic Credits, or even House points. The amount of experience received from each activity is dependent on a player's current level.
Every activity will be reset at 12 AM Pacific Standard Time (PST) each day and can once again be completed at that time. If you have not finished an activity by the time it reaches 12 AM PST, your progress for the activity will be reset as well.
Daily Activity Types
In order to access Daily Activities, use the command /me and click on the “Daily Activities” tab, which appears as a book. There are multiple different categories of daily activities that a player can choose from and try to complete: Daily Reward, Minigames, Voting, and Miscellaneous.
You are also able to track your progress as you complete the activities by hovering over the activity you are trying to do. When you hover over the task, you will see a “Progress” label that will show you how many things you need to find, complete, or kill in order to get the reward as well as how many you have already done.
Once you have completed the daily activity, the reward can be claimed by finding the activity and clicking on it in /me or /daily.
Daily Reward
The daily reward is a free gift of XP or 50 Gold that a player can receive every day as a thank you for playing on Potterworld. This reward can be found in the upper middle section of the Daily Activity tab located in /me.
Daily Reward Experience Given
Player Level | Experience Received | Player Level | Experience Received | Player Level | Experience Received | Player Level | Experience Received |
1 | 579 | 21 | 3540 | 41 | 15458 | 61 | 52675 |
2 | 639 | 22 | 3838 | 42 | 16522 | 62 | 55709 |
3 | 706 | 23 | 4158 | 43 | 17648 | 63 | 58891 |
4 | 779 | 24 | 4501 | 44 | 18841 | 64 | 62226 |
5 | 858 | 25 | 4868 | 45 | 20102 | 65 | 65722 |
6 | 945 | 26 | 5261 | 46 | 21435 | 66 | 69383 |
7 | 1039 | 27 | 5681 | 47 | 22843 | 67 | 73217 |
8 | 1141 | 28 | 6130 | 48 | 24330 | 68 | 77229 |
9 | 1252 | 29 | 6610 | 49 | 25900 | 69 | 81428 |
10 | 1372 | 30 | 7122 | 50 | 27556 | 70 | 85818 |
11 | 1503 | 31 | 7668 | 51 | 29302 | 71 | 90409 |
12 | 1644 | 32 | 8250 | 52 | 31143 | 72 | 95206 |
13 | 1797 | 33 | 8869 | 53 | 33081 | 73 | 100218 |
14 | 1962 | 34 | 9529 | 54 | 35123 | 74 | 105451 |
15 | 2140 | 35 | 10231 | 55 | 37271 | 75 | 110915 |
16 | 2333 | 36 | 10977 | 56 | 39531 | 76 | 116617 |
17 | 2541 | 37 | 11770 | 57 | 41907 | 77 | 122565 |
18 | 2763 | 38 | 12612 | 58 | 44404 | 78 | 128768 |
19 | 3004 | 39 | 13506 | 59 | 47028 | 79 | 135235 |
20 | 3263 | 40 | 14453 | 60 | 49783 | 80 | N/A |
Minigame Activities
Many of the Daily Activities that exist for players to complete involve the minigames on the server. There are five different minigames with activities available for players to participate and play: Quabbleball, Melting Floor, Party Games, Hide and Seek, and Flying. In order to join a minigame, use the command /games and click to join a minigame queue. However, in order to view these activities, players must be Level 10. Additionally, players can also play the Revenant Gauntlet to complete daily activities. In order to join this gauntlet, use the command /gauntlet. Though, it is recommended that players are Level 80 before attempting this gauntlet.
These activities consist of a mix of participation and winning different minigames.
One way to support the server that is completely free and easy to do is through voting. There are six different voting sites where a player can vote at. The links to these sites can be found by using the command /vote. When you vote for the server, you will also receive Voting Tokens, which can be exchanged at the Token Shop NPC found in the Trophy Room (this room is located through the door in the back of the Great Hall). Please note that when voting, you must be in-game in order to receive the rewards.
There is a daily activity for voting located in-between “Minigames” and “Miscellaneous”. This activity is completed when a player has voted four times that day. After finishing this task, you will be rewarded with 10 Academic Credits and 1 House point.
Another category of daily activities is the Miscellaneous category. These activities focus on encouraging exploration, attending classes, and completing other Daily Activities. However, in order to view these activities, players must be Level 20.
Each daily activity gives experience based on a player's level. The table below shows the amount of experience supplied depending on level.
Player Level | Tiny Experience | Small Experience | Modest Experience | Moderate Experience | Large Experience | Extra-Large Experience | Huge Experience |
1 | 26 | 53 | 105 | 158 | 210 | 316 | 421 |
2 | 31 | 62 | 124 | 185 | 247 | 371 | 494 |
3 | 36 | 73 | 146 | 218 | 291 | 437 | 582 |
4 | 43 | 85 | 171 | 256 | 342 | 512 | 683 |
5 | 50 | 100 | 200 | 299 | 399 | 599 | 798 |
6 | 58 | 117 | 233 | 350 | 467 | 700 | 934 |
7 | 68 | 136 | 272 | 408 | 544 | 816 | 1088 |
8 | 79 | 158 | 317 | 475 | 633 | 950 | 1266 |
9 | 92 | 184 | 368 | 551 | 735 | 1103 | 1470 |
10 | 107 | 213 | 426 | 640 | 853 | 1279 | 1706 |
11 | 123 | 247 | 494 | 740 | 987 | 1481 | 1974 |
12 | 143 | 285 | 570 | 856 | 1141 | 1711 | 2282 |
13 | 165 | 329 | 658 | 987 | 1316 | 1975 | 2633 |
14 | 190 | 379 | 758 | 1137 | 1516 | 2275 | 3033 |
15 | 218 | 436 | 872 | 1308 | 1744 | 2615 | 3487 |
16 | 250 | 501 | 1001 | 1502 | 2003 | 3004 | 4006 |
17 | 287 | 574 | 1148 | 1723 | 2297 | 3445 | 4595 |
18 | 329 | 657 | 1315 | 1972 | 2630 | 3944 | 5259 |
19 | 376 | 752 | 1503 | 2255 | 3007 | 4510 | 6014 |
20 | 429 | 858 | 1717 | 2575 | 3433 | 5150 | 6866 |
21 | 489 | 979 | 1957 | 2936 | 3914 | 5872 | 7829 |
22 | 557 | 1114 | 2228 | 3343 | 4457 | 6685 | 8914 |
23 | 633 | 1267 | 2534 | 3800 | 5067 | 7601 | 10134 |
24 | 719 | 1439 | 2877 | 4316 | 5754 | 8632 | 11509 |
25 | 816 | 1631 | 3263 | 4894 | 6525 | 9788 | 13050 |
26 | 924 | 1847 | 3695 | 5542 | 7389 | 11084 | 14778 |
27 | 1045 | 2089 | 4179 | 6268 | 8357 | 12536 | 16714 |
28 | 1171 | 2343 | 4685 | 7028 | 9370 | 14055 | 18740 |
29 | 1295 | 2590 | 5179 | 7769 | 10359 | 15538 | 20718 |
30 | 1426 | 2852 | 5704 | 8556 | 11408 | 17113 | 22817 |
31 | 1565 | 3129 | 6258 | 9387 | 12516 | 18775 | 25033 |
32 | 1710 | 3421 | 6841 | 10262 | 13682 | 20523 | 27364 |
33 | 1863 | 3726 | 7452 | 11177 | 14903 | 22355 | 29806 |
34 | 2022 | 4045 | 8089 | 12134 | 16179 | 24263 | 32358 |
35 | 2189 | 4377 | 8754 | 13132 | 17509 | 26263 | 35018 |
36 | 2362 | 4724 | 9447 | 14171 | 18894 | 28342 | 37789 |
37 | 2542 | 5084 | 10169 | 15253 | 20338 | 30506 | 40675 |
38 | 2730 | 5461 | 10922 | 16383 | 21844 | 32765 | 43687 |
39 | 2927 | 5855 | 11710 | 17564 | 23419 | 35129 | 46838 |
40 | 3134 | 6268 | 12536 | 18805 | 25073 | 37609 | 50146 |
41 | 3352 | 6704 | 13409 | 20113 | 26817 | 40226 | 53634 |
42 | 3583 | 7167 | 14334 | 21500 | 28667 | 43001 | 57334 |
43 | 3830 | 7660 | 15320 | 22980 | 30640 | 45961 | 61281 |
44 | 4095 | 8190 | 16379 | 24569 | 32758 | 49138 | 65517 |
45 | 4381 | 8762 | 17523 | 26285 | 35046 | 52569 | 70092 |
46 | 4692 | 9383 | 18766 | 28149 | 37532 | 56298 | 75064 |
47 | 5031 | 10062 | 20124 | 30187 | 40249 | 60373 | 80498 |
48 | 5404 | 10808 | 21616 | 32425 | 43233 | 64849 | 86466 |
49 | 5816 | 11632 | 23263 | 34895 | 46526 | 69789 | 93052 |
50 | 6272 | 12544 | 25087 | 37631 | 50175 | 75262 | 100350 |
51 | 6779 | 13558 | 27115 | 40673 | 54231 | 81346 | 108462 |
52 | 7344 | 14688 | 29376 | 44065 | 58753 | 88129 | 117506 |
53 | 7976 | 15951 | 31902 | 47853 | 63804 | 95707 | 127609 |
54 | 8682 | 17365 | 34729 | 52094 | 69458 | 104188 | 138917 |
55 | 9474 | 18949 | 37897 | 46846 | 75790 | 113692 | 151590 |
56 | 10363 | 20726 | 41451 | 62177 | 82903 | 124354 | 165806 |
57 | 11360 | 22721 | 45441 | 68162 | 90883 | 136324 | 181766 |
58 | 12481 | 24961 | 49923 | 74884 | 99845 | 149768 | 199690 |
59 | 13739 | 27478 | 54957 | 82435 | 109914 | 164870 | 219827 |
60 | 15153 | 30307 | 60613 | 90920 | 121226 | 181839 | 242452 |
61 | 16742 | 33484 | 66968 | 100452 | 133936 | 200903 | 267871 |
62 | 18527 | 37053 | 74106 | 111160 | 148213 | 222319 | 296426 |
63 | 20531 | 41062 | 821224 | 123186 | 164248 | 246372 | 328496 |
64 | 22782 | 45563 | 91127 | 136690 | 182253 | 273380 | 364506 |
65 | 25308 | 50616 | 101232 | 151848 | 202464 | 303697 | 404929 |
66 | 28143 | 56286 | 112572 | 168857 | 225143 | 337715 | 450286 |
67 | 31323 | 62646 | 125291 | 187937 | 250583 | 375874 | 501166 |
68 | 34888 | 69777 | 139554 | 209331 | 279108 | 418661 | 558215 |
69 | 38885 | 77770 | 155540 | 233310 | 311080 | 466619 | 622159 |
70 | 43363 | 86725 | 173451 | 260176 | 346901 | 520352 | 693802 |
71 | 48377 | 96755 | 193510 | 290264 | 387019 | 580529 | 774038 |
72 | 53991 | 107983 | 215966 | 323949 | 431932 | 647897 | 863863 |
73 | 60274 | 120548 | 241095 | 361643 | 482190 | 723286 | 964381 |
74 | 67301 | 134603 | 269205 | 403808 | 538410 | 807615 | 1076820 |
75 | 75159 | 150318 | 300636 | 450954 | 601272 | 901909 | 1202545 |
76 | 83942 | 167884 | 335767 | 503651 | 671535 | 1007302 | 1343070 |
77 | 93755 | 187510 | 375019 | 562529 | 750038 | 1125057 | 1500076 |
78 | 104714 | 209429 | 418858 | 628286 | 837715 | 1256573 | 1675430 |
79 | 116950 | 233900 | 467801 | 701701 | 935602 | 1403403 | 1871203 |
- A great way to complete the hidden chest activities is by searching for them while doing quests. Quests require players to travel all over the world and often have some chests hidden in the different locations.
- You should try and begin working on daily activities early on in the day, so you have plenty of time to complete them before they reset!