Location Discovery

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There are several locations and towns that can be discovered as a player explores the map of the server. Each location correlates to a specific player level. These levels are especially important for the types of mobs and quests that are located in and around these different places. As a player discovers more locations via travelling, they will also be able to unlock the ability to teleport back to some of them with more convenience.

An overview of all the locations can be found by doing /map in-game or going to the online map.

Discovering Locations

When a player discovers a new location for the first time, they will receive a hologram on their screen showing the name and the discovered location's name. Each location has a specific level range; this acts as a recommendation for players to be at that certain level before visiting or exploring the location. Mobs and quests can also be found in the area of these different places. They correlate with the level range of the closest discoverable location. To see a full list of all the locations and mobs around the world a player can do /map in-game or go to the online map.

By discovering a new place, you may also unlock the ability to teleport to it using the Fire Dust Network. The Fire Dust Network relies on the locations you personally discover throughout your explorations. However, not every discoverable location is available to teleport back to using this system. The location will remain locked for the places listed in the Fire Dust Network that have not been discovered yet. To teleport to your discovered locations, you can go to a fireplace with green fire in a main town and use the firepot.

Location Name Coordinates Level
Hogsworth 3480 45 3086 1
Hogsend 4276 39 3373 15
Appleby Village 4485 16 4541 25
London 2959 60 -375 25
Ministry of Magicians 369 75 -791 25
Edgebrook 5260 68 10639 30
Portstead 5650 8 10810 30
Wightwaye 4689 22 10572 30
The Dwelling 4226 19 10374 30
Longbay Landing 2562 7 10358 35
Tristmoor 2909 59 10688 35
Squalus Cove 2380 9 9088 40
Eldham Ridge 3378 109 8736 40
Griffin’s Hollow 4157 48 7973 45
Wigtown 2746 17 6260 50
Woodshire 5605 70 6891 50
Ireland 1121 70 7253 55
Riddleyard 3510 59 7110 60
Haggleton 2406 44 3844 65
Antrum 2722 176 1952 70
Rushstone 3244 41 1407 70
Gnollberg Port 5244 10 1777 75
Greenshore Harbour 6194 11 1796 75
Walden 4102 6 1717 75
The Dark Prison 6678 14 5917 80


Quests are a major aspect of Potterworld and are located all around the map. Each quest requires a player to be at a specific level before it can be started and completed. The level of every quest correlates to the level of the location that they are found in.

Some of the discoverable locations such as Greenshore Harbour and The Dark Prison are locked until after a player completes a specific quest. This is to ensure that players are not entering dangerous or extremely high-levelled locations without being the correct level.


There are mobs that exist in and around all of the different locations. However, just as the locations and quests vary in levels, so do the mobs. The level of a specific mob will directly relate to the level-range of the nearest discoverable location. This is to make sure that players are fighting against a creature suitable for their current level.

Killing higher-levelled mobs also results in higher-levelled mob drops. The types of materials needed for crafting as well as gear and broom recipes will be dropped at a higher level if the creature you killed was also at a higher level. This is especially important to remember when needing to obtain materials to craft better gear and brooms.


Prior to the Revelius Update, location discovery did not exist. Instead, there were multiple different warps available to players through the Warp Key Bag that was related to Hogsworth and what was known as the Wilderness. Additionally, there was another system that used Floo Powder as a payment to teleport to different locations as well. However, the locations available to players were still very limited compared to the large expansion of the Potterworld map now.

With the introduction of Revelius, there was also the addition of world quests. Because of these new quests, more locations were needed and the concept of location discovery was implemented.