Revelius Update
On July 4th, 2020, one of the largest updates in Potteworld history was released. Many things were updated, including the world map, quests, the resource pack, spells, mobs, professions, gear, hidden chests, and travel. Additionally, smaller updates were done to things such as housing and Daily Activities. There were more buildings and towns added to the map as well as new quests and daily riddles. The resource pack was updated as well to be completely unique to Potterworld, and there were many spells that changed with the addition of Spell Trees. Professions were also reworked and changed drastically. Some of the updates included a brand new gear system, new ways to travel around the world, and various minigames were spread throughout the map. Hunger, /warp info, and the codex were all removed. There were also many other changes that occurred.
Major Gameplay Updates
World map
Almost every location on the world map received updates. New builds, such as, the Mysterious Manor, were added, along with many new towns and villages. More secret rooms and chests were added as well. The world was changed to be almost completely connected so that players could walk or fly almost anywhere on the map. Additionally, the map was updated to be 7,000 by 12,000 blocks. To help with the new exploration that had developed from the updated world, an online map was added as well. Players can now run the command /map in-game to access the map.
As new quests came out, many new characters and storylines were added. Additionally, the locations of quests changed to be in specific regions such as Hogsend or The Dwelling. The rewards that came from these quests were changed as well. Quests reward a ton of experience, making it easier to level up through the years. They also reward Gold and occasionally gear. A list of all the quests and their starting locations were put in the Quest Journal to make it easier for players to locate the beginning of each quest.
Resource Pack
The entire resource pack was updated over a short period of time. Many base textures such as sand or wood were changed along with model updates for things such as glass panes. When combined, magenta and purple stained glass would make a sign holder on walls. Droppers became ovens or stoves. When a redstone lamp was lit, it created a ceiling lamp with a cabinet that would emit light. End rods were changed to have three different states including a brazier, a wall torch, or a chandelier. All of these changes helped to create a more realistic and magical world.
Spell Progression and Spell Trees
Many things were changed in regards to spells. These included the level they were obtained at, the damage they did, and how long their cooldown was. The biggest changes in spells were seen in Vermillio, Divindo, and Deprimorda. Vermillio was changed to be a must-have combat spell that would act similar to “auto attacks”. Divindo was changed to destroy “tattered” versions of the same block. Derprimorda had changes made to it so that it destroyed cracked versions of stone bricks and sandstone. Two spells were also renamed. The first was Aperio which was changed to Revelius. The two reasons for this were that Aperio sounded too close to Appearo and that Revelius fit better, as the spell reveals secrets around the world. The spell that had previously been named Revelius was renamed Revelum. This was changed to follow a similar naming convention as Baulectrium since both are PVP combat spells. Additionally, some spells were removed; these included Spectrus, Inpulsamentum, Restringo, Emendium, Fumus, Curego, Salvio Optime, and Conflamora.
In addition to these changes, Spell Trees were added. Because the Revelius Update made it so that not all spells could be cast efficiently, Spell Points were able to be put on certain spells in order to make them more effective. This was implemented to make players feel more unique during combat. There were five different Spell Trees: charm, jinx, curse, transfiguration, and defence. Each of these Spell Trees had ten spells assigned to them. Players could put three Spell Points on each spell, however, they first had to reach the level requirement for the spell, and have Spell Points on all the spells preceding it. Having Spell Points on a spell would affect things such as the damage and debuff duration of the spell. By the time players reached Level 80, they would have 30 Spell Points they could use. Players were also able to reset your Spell Trees for 50 Academic Credits.
Mob drops were updated so that each mob had three different drops and had a chance to drop gear or broom materials and recipes. Drops could also be sold to Vendors as a slower way of making Gold. The intelligence of mobs was improved so that mobs would react based on how something fought them. Some examples of this included that if a player was closer to a mob, the creature would try a close-ranged attack. However, if they were far away from the mob, the creature would charge forwards or try to side-step the spells cast. This would make it so that players could use more strategy when fighting mobs.
Professions were changed so that they were consistent with the player’s current level. This meant that a Level 80 player would be able to craft all profession items.
Herbology was changed by making it so plants could instantly be harvested rather than having to plant them. Additionally, the plants with spells on them were removed. Plants were scattered all around the world, but most common around roads and creature locations. These plants were then used in both the cooking and potions professions.
The point of the cooking profession was to make food that would buff a player's strengths and resistances to each type of magic. To cook, they had to find an oven, which were located in most towns, and had to have all the ingredients in their inventory. It took three seconds to cook something, and the food buffs created were dependent on the level of the player.
Potions were similar to the other professions. They would give instant effects and stronger buffs. Players were mostly able to brew bombs as well as healing potions. These would be used to fight mobs and heal during battles. The way potions were brewed was changed drastically. To brew a potion, players needed to find a brewing station in one of the towns and interact with it. These brewing stations had four different nodes: the cauldron, brewing stand, chopping board, and furnace. When interacted with, the players had to follow a series of sequences in order to brew the potion.
The Revelius Update introduced gear into the game. Gear was very important because without it players would have the stats of a Level 1 wizard. Gear was not visible as like armour in vanilla minecraft. Instead, the command /gear had to be run. Additionally, players could access it through /me as well. There were six spots made for gear: helmet, body, leggings, boots, hand, and trinket. Each gear piece would have different effects on a player’s stats. Gear was crafted using a Gear Recipe along with various other materials.
To obtain Gear Recipes players had to defeat mobs and gain it through a drop, search in hidden chests, or get them from a different looting method. To make the gear, players had to take the Gear Recipe to a Tailor, and craft it using various mob drop materials and Gold. Gear also had durability which could be fixed at the Tailor for a small cost. When hit, gear had a 10% chance of losing one durability. However, if a player died, each gear piece would lose 10% of its durability. While in the Duelling Halls or a class, gear did not lose durability.
Hidden Chests
Hidden chests were changed so that there were three different tiers, each of which would have different loot quality. Chests included new recipes, materials, and profession items. The cooldown of chests was also reduced to be 30 minutes. Gold would not be included in the chests, but players could still gain Gold by selling the loot to Vendors. Additionally, Choco Hop Cards were removed from chests, as they were impacting the value of the cards. At the time of the update, there were almost 500 hidden chests.
Travel was drastically changed with the Revelius Update with changes being made to the Fire Dust Network, warp key, and brooms. Fire Dust was changed so that it was a physical item that could be purchased for 20 Gold each. Players could purchase Fire Dust through a house-elf that was located at each Fire Dust location. The Fire Dust locations had green fire instead of orange, making them easily recognisable. The farther the place a player wanted to travel to, the more Fire Dust it would cost.
Warp keys were changed to have a “set home” function. After obtaining the warp key in the First Year Struggles quest, players could set their warp in any town to return there easily. A 10-minute cooldown on setting warp points and warping were made because of this. These changes to warp keys were added to encourage physical travel and exploration around the world.
Similar to how gaining gear worked, Broom Recipes now had a chance to drop when killing mobs, looting chests, or doing other activities. To use the broom recipe, players had to travel to a Broomsmith. Brooms were not able to be flown inside but were easy to fly outside above buildings. Any player who already had a broom was able to exchange it for an updated broom in /me.
Minor Updates
Some smaller updates were introduced involving Daily Activities, newcomers, minigames, Duelling Halls, housing, as well as things that were removed. Many of the previous Daily Activities did not fit with the rest of the world and were therefore removed. Because of this, quests became the main way to level up in addition to classes. Additionally, the way new players started on the server received changes as well. Bloodlines being removed was the most obvious change made among newcomers, which changed the starting location to be Mundane Lane. The minigames that used to be found around the Ministry of Magicians were moved to be spread throughout the map. The Duelling Halls were made accessible by the Great Hall and the win/loss tracking was removed. Housing was made accessible in many of the main towns. In addition to Bloodlines, hunger, /warp info, and codex were removed from the game to simplify things and encourage exploration.