Yule Ball 2014

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The Yule Ball event began on December 20th, 2014 and ended on January 3rd, 2015. This event was to celebrate the Yule Ball with the Potterworld community. There were various activities and a special reward released with the event.


There was no storyline for this event, but it was to celebrate the Yule Ball.


The festivities took place in the Great Hall at Hogsworth. The inside had three big Christmas trees which all had stars and colourful ornaments. The centre of the room had a dance floor where players could dance with each other. There were plenty of tables with food surrounding the dance floor. Two fountains made of ice could also be seen located by the entrance of the Great Hall.


There were no main storyline quests for this event.

Side Quests

There were no side quests for this event.


During this event, there were three activities for the players to complete. This included the Photobooth, Snowball Minigame, and Dance Minigame.


This activity was located in a separate warp, accessible by a sign in the event. Staff members were in charge of taking the pictures for the players.

Snowball Minigame

In order to play this minigame, players needed to find the sign in the build for the event. Players would click a sign that would warp them to the waiting lobby for the minigame. Once in the game, players were able to pick up various items from the ground to use. The different items included a Speed Boost, Diamond Cannon, Protection Boost, a Giant Snowball, and regular Snowballs. If a player got hit with any snowball, they would be out for that specific round. The last one standing won the round.

Dance Minigame

The Dance Minigame also required players to find a sign, which was next to the Snowball Minigame sign. This activity allowed two players to dance together.


There was no contest hosted along with this event.

Rewards & Collectables

Players could purchase rewards from an NPC during the duration of the event. The rewards cost players Gold. The table below shows the rewards players could receive from the event.

Name Description Type
Christmas Fireworks N/A Flare

Store Releases

There were no store releases specifically for this event. However, on December 25th, there was a store sale for 30% off. Every three days also had a 20% off discount for certain store items.