Feathers Afloat

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Jeremiah (Feathers Afloat).png

Quest Information
Location: Hogsworth
Coordinates: -557 46 -620
Level: 4
Starting NPC: Jeremiah

Other NPCs:



Feathers Afloat is the fourth quest in the First Year Experience. Jeremiah leads players to the Charms Professor who is teaching a lesson on Leviomora. Players learn how to use the Leviomora charm by making feathers float in the class.

Quest Progression

Speak to Jeremiah in the First Year Experience Charms classroom to start this quest.


  • [1/3] Hi [player’s username]! We're late for charms class, we should hurry to the classroom!
  • [2/3] I'm going to cast a simple trail on the ground to help us find it.
  • [3/3] Ready?

Objective 1 - Find the Charms Classroom


You and Jeremiah are late for the charms lesson! Head over to the charms classroom to attend it. Follow the magic sparkles on the ground starting at Jeremiah to reach the Charms Classroom!

Objective 2 - Speak to the Charms Professor


Speak to the professor to begin the Charms lesson.


  • [1/3] So, today we will be covering— oh, look who decided to turn up late!
  • [2/3] As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, today we will be learning about the Leviomora charm.
  • [3/3] What are you waiting for? Must I bring you a chair, or can you find one on your own?

Objective 3 - Learn about the Leviomora Charm


Listen to the professor's explanation on how to cast Leviomora and its applications.


  • [1/3] The Leviomora charm was invented by Jerome Hearth in 1544.
  • [2/3] It is used to make objects levitate in the air as if they were as light as a feather!
  • [3/3] To cast it, you simply point your wand at the desired object and then swish and flick your wand, as such:

Objective 4 - Speak to the Charms Professor


Speak to the Charms Professor to receive your assignment.


  • [1/3] I hope you have all taken notes, because you will need to remember this for the following assignment.
  • [2/3] I’ve hidden [3 Feather] around the classroom. However, take caution! You will need to use the Leviomora charm to discover them.
  • [3/3] You’re free to consult your notes as you complete the assignment. Good luck.

Objective 5 - Speak to Jeremiah


Speak to Jeremiah about the professor's assignment.


  • [1/3] Huh? What’s going on?
  • [2/3] Oh no! I dozed off and didn’t hear anything during the lesson! Not again…
  • [3/3] I don’t wanna fail, I see you’ve taken notes, could you show me how to complete the assignment?

Objective 6 - Consult your Notes


Jeremiah dozed off during the lesson and now he doesn't know how to complete the assignment. Pick up [1 Class Notes] from the table nearby and right click it to review how to use Leviomora with Jeremiah.

Objective 7 - Complete the Professor’s Assignment


Use Leviomora to find [3 Feather] hidden around the classroom and show Jeremiah how to complete the assignment.

Objective 8 - Speak to the Charms Professor


Now that you have all three feathers, speak to the charms professor to let him know you've completed the assignment.


  • [1/3] I have to say: I am astonished. For someone who slept through the lesson, you haven't done half bad.
  • [2/3] This is NOT an excuse to show up late to class. Next time I'll be deducting house points!
  • [3/3] Class dismissed! Get out already. I'm paid Gold to teach, not to babysit!

Objective 9 - Check on Jeremiah


Charms lesson was a success! Talk to Jeremiah to learn how he did during the lesson.


  • [1/2] I really thought I was going to fail, thank you so much for helping me!
  • [2/2] Let’s try to show up on time for the next class, shall we? Check your [Class Schedule] to find out what the next lesson is.


  • When looking for feathers, try to look both high and low!
  • Remember that the crates with a white feather symbol can have Leviomora used to raise them into the air.