Feathers Afloat (Old)

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Charms Professor.png

Quest Information
Location: Hogsworth
Coordinates: 3416 46 2796
Level: 4
Starting NPC:  Charms Professor


This quest was released with the Revelius update in July 2020, and it remained in-game until it was replaced by the First Year Experience quests. This quest Attend centred around learning the Leviomora charm.

Quest Progression

To start this quest, players spoke to the Charms Professor in the Charms classroom.


  • [1/3] So class, today we will be covering- oh, look who decided to turn up late!
  • [2/3] As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, today we will be learning the Leviomora charm.
  • [3/3] What are you waiting for? Must I bring you a chair, or can you find one on your own?

Objective 1 - Complete the Practical Class Assignment


Speak to the Charms Professor in order to learn your task, then complete the practical class assignment.


  • [1/5] The Leviomora charm was invented in 1544. Can anyone who read the chapter tell me who invented it?
  • [2/5] Oh, have you not been paying attention? I bet you were asleep the entire time! Let's have a round of applause for sleeping through the entire lesson!
  • [3/5] Now, the practical component of our class. Simply swing your wand at a block with a white wing on it, and it shall levitate.
  • [4/5] I've hidden [3 Feather] around the room for you to discover. However, take caution! You will need to use the Leviomora incantation to discover them.
  • [5/5] Don't make me hold your hand. Get to it!

Using Leviomora, find the 3 feathers that the Charms Professor hid around the room.

Objective 2 - Speak to the Charms Professor


Return to the Charms Professor and deliver [3 Feather] to him.


  • [1/3] I have to say: I am astonished. For someone who slept through the lesson, you haven't done half bad.
  • [2/3] This is NOT an excuse to show up late to class. Next time I'll be deducting house points!
  • [3/3] Class dismissed! Get out already. I'm paid Gold to teach, not to babysit!


  • Leviomora is a spell that is often required in parkours and various puzzles. The spell can be used on blocks that have an icon of a feather on them. This quest is a great way to get comfortable with Leviomora.