Halloween Deathday Party 2019

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The Halloween Deathday Party event began on October 19th and ended on November 11th, 2019. This event was to celebrate Basically Beheaded Benjamin's Deathday Party. In addition to this celebration, two Halloween games were introduced.


Players were able to celebrate Basically Beheaded Benjamin's Deathday Party with all of his friends. The player would introduce themselves to the different ghosts and help them locate items from the past.


This event took place in the Ghost Ballroom at Hogsworth. The ballroom was decorated for the party and it was filled with different ghosts.


During the event, there was one main quest, which was the Scavenger Hunt.

Scavenger Hunt

The Scavenger Hunt had players introducing themselves to Basically Beheaded Benjamin's ghost friends. From there, they were given hints to find specific items from the past around the castle grounds. The items found in the scavenger hunt were allowed to be kept by the players.

Side Quests

There were no side quests during this event.


During this event, there were only two minigames that players could complete in order to earn Boo Bucks.

Name Description Type
Riddle Manor Parkour N/A


Hay Maze N/A Maze


Skin Contest

There was a skin contest released in addition to the event. The deadline for the submissions was October 31st at 1 PM PST. There were two themes, which were “Halloween Costume” and “Deathday Party”. Two winners were announced per category during a YouTube stream, one being determined by Judge’s Choice and the other determined by Fan Favourites. The judging panel was made up of Media staff members, while the fan favourite was made up of the stream’s viewers. All winners received 500 Potter Points and a Halloween themed trophy. The winners were announced at the end of the November 2nd Weekly Hangout stream.


In addition to the skin contest, Potterworld held its first Inktober. Each day of the month had a given prompt for players to improve their skills in art. Any form of art was accepted for Potterworld’s Inktober. For instance, traditional art, digital art, and even renders were all accepted. Players could post their art on any social media platform using the hashtag #PWInktober19.

Rewards & Collectables

Players could purchase rewards from NPCs at the event. Each reward cost Boo Bucks, which were earned through completing the maze, parkour, and playing multiplayer minigames. The table below shows all of the rewards players could receive from the event.

Name Description Type

Pumpkin Pouch

A magically enchanted handbag made to be bigger than it is on the outside! Collectable Beaded Handbag

Augustus' Guide to Dark Magic

Filled with dark, magical creations during a serpent student's years attending Hogsworth. Collectable

Archimedes' Cage

Home to a beloved owl, before disappearing into thin air. Collectable

Celia's Enchanted Harp

Enchanted to play the most soothing songs. Used by a former Hogsworth Librarian to pass the time. Collectable

Deathday Party Token

N/A Collectable

Frederick's Snidget

The first snidget caught by the 1968 Raven Quabbleball Searcher. Collectable

Frederick's Trusty Glove

Worn by the 1968 Raven Searcher. A reliable piece of gear to use whilst catching snidgets. Collectable

Griffin House Cup

The trophy awarded to Griffins in 1934 for spectacular leadership by Davin, the Griffin Head Boy. Collectable

Necromancer's Wand

Once used by an ancient dark wizard, to perform the most heinous experimental magic. Collectable

Halloween Pumpkin Fireworks Spell

Charm: Magical souvenir fireworks from the Halloween Event! Cosmetic Spell
Spoopify Spell Charm: Show your Halloween Spirit! Cosmetic Spell
Enchanted Vacuum Broom Appearance N/A  Cosmetic Broom Appearance
Sandersister Wig - Black N/A  Cosmetic Hat
Sandersister Wig - Blonde N/A  Cosmetic Hat
Sandersister Wig - Red N/A Cosmetic Hat
Scarf of the Great Beyond Imbued with ectoplasm to create a material capable of maintaining a spiritualistic medium. Scarf
Griffin Deathday Party Banner N/A Banner
Hogsworth Deathday Party Banner N/A Banner
Honeybadger Deathday Party Banner N/A Banner
Raven Deathday Party Banner N/A Banner
Serpent Deathday Party Banner N/A Banner
Frankenstein's Monster Mask N/A Head
Jack Skellington Mask N/A Head
Oogie Boogie Mask N/A Head
Scarecrow Mask N/A Head

Store Releases

There were no store releases specifically for this event.