Media and Public Relations

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Media & Public Relations Team

The Media team is a crucial team on Potterworld and involves many sub-departments. Together, the Media team create videos on the Potterworld YouTube, create graphics for the server, as well as social media posts. The Media team also creates models for the server, as well as producing a bi-weekly newspaper for players to read.



Lead - Ralie

There are three staff Arithmancer roles on Potterworld- the 3D Arithmancers, 2D Arithmancers, and Skin Arithmancers. Together, they create skins, renders and graphics for social media posts, YouTube thumbnails, and NPCs around the server.


The Artworkers of the server creates the wonderful models observed all around the server! They create mobs, as well as other models such as decor for houses.

Daily Diviner

Lead - MamaDuckie

The Daily Diviner is a publication produced bi-weekly, filled with articles about recent Potterworld news, lifestyle tips, and original works. The Daily Diviner team is headed by the Daily Diviner Producers, which is a staff role. Daily Diviner Writers and Editors are members of the Potterworld team.


The WizNetworkers post content about our server, on Instagram and Twitter. They plan the posts for each platform working with Arithmancers to create graphics for the posts. They also respond to general enquiries, queries, and comments on the platforms. They are also in charge of creating amazing videos for Instagram Reels.


Each department on Potterworld has a leadership team to oversee the teams within the department. In Media, the leadership team is comprised of the Head of Media, Assistant to Head of Media, and leads of various sub-departments.

Assistant to Head of Media


The Assistant to Head of Media assists the Head of Media with leading and managing the entire department and all sub-teams and their members. They also help oversee the management of the Leads and provide assistance when needed.

Head of Media


The Head of Media is in charge of all members and sub-departments within the Media department. The Head manages the Potterwatch and Arithmancer teams, as well as aids Droobledore with managing the Artworkers, and assists the Daily Diviner Producers and WizNetworkers when required.