Cauldron Inn's Keep
Hailey Longcaster, the barkeeper at The Cauldron Inn, has recently lost one of the best staff. While searching for a full-time replacement, she requests that you aid her in keeping the inn running. Prepare meals and tidy up the inn to ensure customers are given the best experience.
Quest Progression
To begin the quest, speak to Hailey at The Cauldron Inn.
- [1/3] Hello, welcome to the Cauldron Inn! It has been pretty hectic here in the inn, and I could really use some help.
- [2/3] A few of our rooms here are such a mess and we've been getting some complaints. Would you be able to retrieve [1 Towel], [1 Broom], and [1 Sponge] then clean the dirty rooms?
- [3/3] What do you say? Wanna help? Return to me when you're done, if you do!
Objective 1 - Clean the rooms
Unlock the storage room and gather [1 Broom], [1 Towel], [1 Sponge]. Clean the three dirty rooms with the correct supplies. Once you're finished cleaning, return to Hailey.
- [1/5] Thank you so much! I'm sure those rooms are spotless now! I can take those supplies from you.
- [2/5] Now for the customers... We get quite a few people here everyday and it can be crazy sometimes.
- [3/5] Why don't you go ahead and try to cook up meals for a few of our customers. How about you go ahead and prepare [1 Mushroom Stew], [1 Vegetable Soup], and [1 Steak]?
- [4/5] You'll need [1 Uncooked Steak], [1 Uncooked Mushroom Stew], and [1 Uncooked Vegetable Soup] to cook all the meals. You can get those in the storage room as well!
- [5/5] After you've finished cooking the meals, return to me so that I can tell you who to serve the meals to!
Objective 2 - Prepare 3 meals
Collect [1 Uncooked Steak], [1 Uncooked Mushroom Stew], and [1 Uncooked Vegetable Soup] from the storage room. Then cook the uncooked food in the 3 ovens. Return to Hailey once you're done.
- [1/5] Wow! Those meals look delicious! Now all we need to do is serve them to the correct customers.
- [2/5] I'm quite certain the [1 Mushroom Stew] was ordered by an older man with pale skin and dark grey hair. I also remember that he had bright blue eyes.
- [3/5] I do know that the [1 Vegetable Soup] went to a young lady with long blonde hair, with hazel eyes, and a very feminine clothing style.
- [4/5] Lastly, the [1 Steak] was ordered by a man with grey hair. Despite his hair colour, I do assume he is middle aged because of his clothing style. He also has dark blue eyes.
- [5/5] Now that you know what all the customers look like, go ahead and give the meals to them. Return to me when you're done!
Objective 3 - Give the meals to the correct customer
Using Hailey's descriptions of the customers, give [1 Mushroom Stew], [1 Vegetable Soup], and [1 Steak] to the correct customer. Once you've given all the meals to the correct customer, return to Hailey.
- [1/2] Great work! I really appreciate all that you've done here.
- [2/2] Here's a reward for what you've done for me!
- The Cauldron Inn is right outside the Knight's Shuttle stop for Diagonal Lane, London.
- Think carefully about which supply can clean which glowing area.