Beauxbois Academy of Magic

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Location Information
Name: Beauxbois Academy of Magic


Beauxbois Academy of Magic teaches young magicians from a variety of European countries including France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium. These young magicians begin at Beauxbois at the age of seven and graduate when they are 17. Beauxbois students receive a well-rounded curriculum, however, its students are best known for their highly skilled cosmetic magic. When in their sixth year of schooling, students take the French equivalent of S.M.U.G. (Super Minor Unit Grades). Additionally, the equivalent of H.A.T. (Horribly Agitating Tests) is administered in the students’ final year.

Students are not heavily engaged in Quabbleball or other magical sports, but Unmagical activities are popular. Every few years, Beauxbois’ bravest students compete in the Interwizard Tournament against Hogsworth and Dormunstrad.

The school has positive and cordial relationships with Hogsworth, Magifaisteio, Tesoro Costero, and other European wizarding schools. Part of Beauxbois’ prestigious reputation comes from its renowned alumni, which include the famous alchemist Nicholas Flamel and the prominent Magizoologist Rachelle Chaudoir. Much of the school’s income derives from alumni alchemists’ gold, allowing for an extravagant school.

On Potterworld, Beauxbois could be accessed during the 2018 Winter Waltz event, where it was decorated for the holidays. The school could also be explored during two anniversary events, Potterworld’s 3rd Anniversary in 2017 and Potterworld’s 5th Anniversary in 2019, where players could complete daily tasks at the school. Additionally, some parkours located at the school could be accessed in later Winter Waltz events and at the minigames at the Department of Leisures and Games until its removal as part of the Revelius Update.

Geography & Environment

Located in the mountains of the snow-tipped French Pyrenees, Beauxbois’ founders placed it somewhere secluded and secure. The stunning chateau was built during the reign of the House of Capet in the Middle Ages. Lush gardens and grand fountains surround the school, and carriages pulled by Abrican Horses can be found in the area.

Notable Locations

Dining Chamber

Beauxbois has a large dining chamber where students eat their meals. During the holidays, this large room gets extensively and extravagantly decorated. At one end of the room, there is a large, lifted podium where the staff sit. Atop the podium, the Headmistress, currently Olympia Madrelle, must start eating before students are able to start eating.


In the front of the school, a huge fountain with statues of various animals can be found. The clear waters of this fountain have beautifying and healing properties. Any member of the school can drink from these waters to receive its benefits.


There were two markets found in Beauxbois, outside to the left and right of the main entrance. Here, players were able to buy and sell their items at Beauxbois. The marketplace was opened during the 2018 Winter Waltz event.


  • Beauxbois students’ everyday uniform consists of a dress or collared shirt over a blue blazer with black stockings and a hat. Their formal uniform consists of light blue clothing made of silk, combined with black stockings, a cap, and a pointed felt hat.