Into the Dark

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Officer carson.png

Quest Information
Location: Greenshore Harbour
Coordinates: 6057 7 1747
Level: 80
Starting NPC: Officer Carson

Other NPCs:

  • 888 Gold
  • Access to Captain Jane's boat


Officer Carson is working with the Ministry of Magicians and is recruiting young wizards to work as a guard at The Dark Prison.

Quest Progression

To begin the quest, speak with the  Officer Carson NPC who is located in Greenshore Harbour.


Before accepting

  • [1/3] Hey- you there! I'm with the Ministry of Magicians and recruiting talented young witches and wizards.
  • [2/3] The Dark Prison is in need of a bit of help after several of our guards resigned recently
  • [3/3] Are you interested in this job opportunity? I promise the pay will be worth your while!

After accepting

  • [1/3] Glad to see you're going to be working with us!
  • [2/3] There's a ship docked near the South Peninsula that's been chartered to take new recruits to The Dark Prison.
  • [3/3] You should head there now and talk to Captain Jane.

Objective 1 - Speak to Captain Jane


Locate Captain Jane on the boat docked at the south peninsula of Greenshore Harbour Island to inquire about transportation to The Dark Prison.


  • [1/3] You're going to The Dark Prison? Well you've got the right ship!
  • [2/3] After a recent storm, our ship isn't fit for travel at the moment.
  • [3/3] Go find my First Mate below deck to see if you can help fix the ship.

Objective 2 - Fix the Ship then Return to Captain Jane


Speak to the First Mate James Koelle in order to assist him in fixing the ship so that it can be used to travel to The Dark Prison. Then, return to Captain Jane.


First Mate James Koelle

  • [1/3] Glad to have a bit of assistance, I'm eager to get moving as soon as possible. I mean, we can't have you running late for your new job!
  • [2/3] You'll need to find [5 Wooden Plank] and [1 Bucket] lying around the ship.
  • [3/3] Then, come back here to get started on the repairs.

Player fixes the ship

  • [1/1] Great work fixing the ship. Now report back to Captain Jane!

Captain Jane

  • [1/1] Great work on those repairs. Now let's get going to The Dark Prison!

Objective 3 - Speak to the Warden


Speak to the Warden just inside the entrance to The Dark Prison to be assigned your first task as a prison guard.


  • [1/4] Hello. You must be our newest guard recruit.
  • [2/4] I'm not going to hold your hand through orientation. Just do what I tell you and don't get too close to some of these inmates.
  • [3/4] I need you to deliver [3 Meal Tray] to the prisoners on the second floor. You can find an oven and the needed ingredients of [3 Canned Meat], [3 Canned Vegetables], and [3 Canned Fruit] in the Guard Break Room on the first floor.
  • [4/4] Now get a move on!

Objective 4 - Deliver Meal Trays


Obtain [3 Canned Meat], [3 Canned Vegetables], and [3 Canned Fruit] from the stores beneath The Dark Prison security checkpoint. Then, cook [3 Food Tray] and deliver them to three prisoners on the second floor of The Dark Prison.


Prisoner, Ava Chalice, and Celia Fridolf

  • [1/1] Thank you for the [1 Meal Tray]!


  • [1/3] Took you long enough. I have another task for you.
  • [2/3] There's this prisoner, Jason, that's a magical arsonist and a massive pain to deal with. He's in a big fight with the inmate in the neighbouring cell.
  • [3/3] Please go sort that situation out. His cell is on the first floor.

Objective 5 - Defuse the Fight then Return to the Warden


Locate the fighting inmates on the first floor of The Dark Prison and find a way to defuse their argument.


  • [1/3] My cell-neighbour had better watch his back. I've had it with his schemes!
  • [2/3] While I was sleeping, he did something to my sink that made it blow up the second I turned it on!
  • [3/3] That inmate is not mentally stable and is going to end up killing me. Unless of course I get to him first…

Fixing the sink

  • [1/1] There are [3 Broken Sink Part] scattered across my room. You'll need to find each of them and craft them back into [1 Fixed Sink Part], then place it back on the sink.

Treating the burn

  • [1/1] There is a store room down the hall from my cell. You will need to find the needed ingredients there, then craft [1 Burn Medicine] and return it to me.

Finding the tools

  • [1/1] Jason has stashed his [3 Tool] somewhere in his cell. Find and confiscate them.

After completing all the tasks

  • [1/2] Thank you for taking away his tools. Hopefully he can't do any more damage without them.
  • [2/2] I promise I won't do anything to him, I was just really angry.


  • [1/5] Now that you've finished that, I have another task for you.
  • [2/5] We have this prisoner that is an Animorphus, meaning that they can transform into a dog at will.
  • [3/5] The Dementares control inmates by feeding off of their emotions. However, they have significant trouble interfering with the emotions of animals.
  • [4/5] This means that this Animorphus often slips out of their cell to get away from the Dementares for a bit. There is no way for them to get out of the Prison, so they can't go far.
  • [5/5] Go to their cell on the top floor of The Dark Prison and see if you can track them and return them to their cell.

Objective 6 - Return the Animorphus to their cell


Find the Animorphus' cell on the third floor of The Dark Prison and locate their hiding place. Then, return them to their cell.


  • [1/1] That's all I have for you to do for the time being. Just go find a way to make yourself useful.


  • If you ever need to return to Greenshore Harbour, speak with Captain Jane again. This quest unlocks another fast travel method.
  • The Animorphus is very powerful, so make sure to have good gear when fighting it!