General NPCs

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NPCs, or non-player characters, are often used on the server. Some NPCs can be interacted with in order to travel somewhere or to learn about information. Others will be used within quests or Reputation tasks. This page will go over all of the NPCs around the world that are informational as well as those used in quests and Reputations. 

List of General Informative NPCs

There are various informative NPCs located around Potterworld that provide players with information, access to locations, and items available to purchase or sell. Below is a list of all the general informative NPCs that can be found on the server.

NPC Location(s) What it Does


Scarlett provides location advice and directions to new players throughout Hogsworth Castle.
News Seller

Hogsworth, Hogsend, London, Ministry of Magicians, Portstead, Edgebrook, Wightwaye, The Dwelling, Squalus Cove, Eldham Ridge, Tristmoor, Griffin's Hollow, Wigtown, Ireland, Riddleyard, Haggleton, Antrum, Rushstone, Gnollberg Port, Greenshore Harbour, Walden

The News Seller provides players with the current edition of the Daily Diviner news.
Shady Dealer

Hogsworth, HogsendPortstead, Edgebrook, Wightwaye, The Dwelling, Squalus Cove, Eldham RidgeGriffin's Hollow, Wigtown, Ireland, Riddleyard, Haggleton, Antrum, Rushstone, Gnollberg Port, Greenshore Harbour, Walden

The Shady Dealer allows players to trade old crafting materials into new broom components.

Hogsworth, HogsendPortstead, Edgebrook, Wightwaye, The Dwelling, Squalus Cove, Eldham Ridge, Tristmoor,Griffin's Hollow, Wigtown, Ireland, Riddleyard, Haggleton, Antrum, Rushstone, Gnollberg Port, Greenshore Harbour, Walden

Vendors allow players to trade broom recipes, gear pieces, and broom components for Gold.
Tommy Riddle

Hogsworth, HogsendPortstead, Edgebrook, Wightwaye, The Dwelling, Squalus Cove, Eldham Ridge, TristmoorWigtown, Ireland, Riddleyard, Haggleton, Antrum, Rushstone, Gnollberg Port, Greenshore Harbour

Tommy Riddle provides daily riddles to players.

Hogsworth, HogsendPortstead, Edgebrook, WightwayeSqualus Cove, Eldham Ridge, Tristmoor, Griffin's Hollow, Wigtown, Ireland, Riddleyard, Haggleton, Antrum, Rushstone, Gnollberg Port, Greenshore Harbour, Walden

The Marketplace NPCs provides access to the public Marketplace where players can buy items.
Duelling Halls

Hogsworth, HogsendPortsteadThe Dwelling, Squalus CoveTristmoor, Griffin's Hollow, Wigtown, Ireland, Riddleyard, Haggleton, AntrumGnollberg Port, Greenshore Harbour, Walden

The Duelling Halls NPC allows players to travel to the Duelling Halls.
Craftsman Mathaelda

HogsendPortstead, Edgebrook, Wightwaye, The Dwelling, Longbay LandingSqualus Cove, Eldham RidgeGriffin's Hollow, Wigtown, Ireland, Riddleyard, Haggleton, Antrum, Rushstone, Gnollberg Port, Greenshore Harbour, Walden

Craftsman Mathaelda allows players to purchase her Recipe Book and provides information on professions.
In-Game Store

HogsendPortsteadThe Dwelling, Squalus CoveTristmoor, Griffin's Hollow, Wigtown, Ireland, Riddleyard, Haggleton, AntrumGnollberg Port, Greenshore Harbour, Walden

The In-Game Store NPC allows players to travel to the In-Game Store. 
Dock Manager


The Dock Manager NPC permits travel between Hogsend and Hogsworth Boathouses.
CE Hub


The CE Hub NPC allows players to travel to the Community Engagements Hub. 
Roleplay Hub Hogsworth The Roleplay Hub NPC allows players to travel to the Roleplay Hub.
Broom Seller Diagonal Lane. Shade Alley, Vertick Alley The Broom Seller NPC allows players to craft brooms.

List of Quest NPCs

As a player, you may encounter and interact with multiple different NPCs while completing the many quests available on Potterworld. You might also come into contact with an NPC more than once, as some of them make an appearance in other quests as well. Below is a list of all the quest NPCs that can be found on the server.

Year 1

NPC Name Location Quest Included
Rose Hogsworth First Year Struggles
Angela  Hogsworth First Year Struggles
Luke  Hogsworth First Year Struggles
Lilah Hogsworth First Year Struggles
Jeremiah Hogsworth First Year Struggles
Herbology Professor Hogsworth Monsters and Herbology
Charms Professor Hogsworth Feathers AfloatA Future Unforetold
Magical Cuisine Professor Hogsworth Magical Cuisine Class
Grounds Keeper Hogsworth Magical Cuisine ClassHouse of the BraveThe Arachnid Lair
Potions Professor Hogsworth Potions Class
Divination Professor Hogsworth A Future Unforetold
Flying Professor Hogsworth  The Quabbleball Pitch

Year 2

NPC Name Location Quest Included
Basically Beheaded Benjamin Hogsworth House of the Brave
Chunky Charles Hogsworth House of the Kind
Madam Lillian Hogsworth House of the Kind
Honeybadger Prefect  Hogsworth House of the Kind
Francine Cades Hogsworth House of the Wise
Librarian Hogsworth  House of the Wise
Carnage Count Hogsworth  House of the Cunning
Serpent Student Hogsworth  House of the Cunning 
Jasper Hogsworth  Journey to Hogsend
Sugar Plum Hogsend Journey to Hogsend
Damien Hogsend Sneaky Students
Sara Hogsend Build-A-Plush Toyshop
Jaylen Hogsend Build-A-Plush Toyshop
Toymaker Tobias Hogsend Build-A-Plush Toyshop

Year 3

NPC Name Location Quest Included
Eloise Hogsend Mending Magic
Mr. Wenlock Hogsend Mending Magic
QualiTree Worker Hogsend Mending Magic
Natalia Hogsend Promoting S.P.E.W.
Writer Hogsend Promoting S.P.E.W.
Werewolf Leader Hogsend The Werewolf Curse
Rosemary Hogsend The Werewolf Curse
Lana Lovett The Hovel Scribbler Letdown
James Hordan Diagonal Lane Scribbler Letdown
Mrs. Mulpepper Diagonal Lane Scribbler Letdown


Hogsend  London Bound
April Hogsend  London Bound
Harold Hogsend  London Bound
Josephine Hogsend  London Bound
Adam Hogsend  London Bound
Scott London Travelling the Knight Shuttle
Shopkeeper Diagonal Lane  Travelling the Knight Shuttle
Keira Grimmane Lane Travelling the Knight Shuttle
Kid Mundane Lane Travelling the Knight Shuttle
Hailey Longcaster Diagonal Lane  Cauldron Inn's Keep
Wilbert Finnigan Carket Market Brew Your Brew
Ophelia Alton Vertick Alley Brew Your Brew
Bartender Burke Carket Market Brew Your Brew
Munkrook Diagonal Lane  Brew Your Brew
Fee Vertick Alley Brew Your Brew
Guenievra Vertick Alley Brew Your Brew
Zin Vertick Alley, Squalus CoveRiddleyardThe Dark Prison Relics of the Past - Part IRelics of the Past - Part IIRelics of the Past - Part IIIRelics of the Past - Part IV
Leota Shade Alley Relics of the Past - Part I
Morren Vertick Alley Relics of the Past - Part I
Officer Jenny Diagonal LaneGnollberg Port Broomsmith Break-InCreature Collection
Store Owner Diagonal Lane  Broomsmith Break-In

Year 4

NPC Name Location Quest Included
Adela Portstead Fish Out of Water
Pumpkin Farmer Portstead Fish Out of Water
Felix Edgebrook Electric Curation
Mary The Dwelling Home Is Where the Heart Is
Alberto Edgebrook Stars in the Dark
Iona Edgebrook Stars in the Dark
Xanthius Lovett The Hovel  Blocked SourcePeculiar Planting
Farmer Tristmoor Peculiar Planting
Isabelle Tristmoor Snatched
Clayton Murray Hogsworth Rising Healer: United

Year 5

NPC Name Location Quest Included
Dalia Squalus Cove Dalia's BoxRelics of the Past - Part II
Swiper Diagonal Lane  Heist of Darkness
Maria Squalus Cove  Missing Madness
Magical Experimenter Squalus Cove  Missing Madness
Yasmine Eldham Ridge Lost and Found, The Demons InsideSecrets in the Tower
Wanda Eldham Ridge Lost and Found, Memory Lane
Harlan Eldham Ridge Lost and Found
Larry Eldham Ridge Lost and Found, The Demons Inside
Kira Mysterious Manor A Helping Hand
Bethany Bernauer Griffin's Hollow Adorning the GraveFinding Closure, Potion Problems, The Chalice of Oblivion
Brittany Bernauer Griffin's Hollow Finding Closure, Rest in Peace
Thomas Bailey Griffin's Hollow Finding Closure, The Chalice of Oblivion
Mason Brant Griffin's Hollow Finding Closure
Librarian (Griffin's Hollow) Griffin's Hollow Rest in Peace
Ms. Kneazler Griffin's Hollow Potion Problems, Rest in Peace, The Chalice of Oblivion
Marc Burgess Griffin's Hollow Potion Problems, Rest in PeacePet Peeves
Father Jacob Griffin's Hollow The Chalice of OblivionGhost Busters
Theodore Bailey Griffin's Hollow The Chalice of Oblivion
Peter the Poltergeist Griffin's Hollow Pet PeevesGhost Busters

Year 6

NPC Name Location Quest Included
Gama Wigtown The Bells of Wigtown
Blacksmith (Wigtown) Wigtown The Bells of WigtownThe Truth About Wighenge
Flint Wigtown The Bells of Wigtown
Celeste WigtownWalden The Truth About WighengeThe Walden Redux
Daniel Wigtown Troubled Waters
Anita Wigtown Troubled Waters
Leroy Ireland  Mischievous Leprechaun
Pearl Ireland  Mischievous LeprechaunSiren Mayhem
Byrne Ireland  The Big Game
Leatherworker Ireland  The Big GameWrath of Irgoll
Old Woman Ireland  Wrath of Irgoll
Blacksmith (Ireland) Ireland  Wrath of Irgoll

Year 7

NPC Name Location Quest Included
Jason Riddleyard Riddleyard's Gardener
Theo Carver Riddleyard Riddleyard's Gardener
Sasha Greer Riddleyard Riddleyard's Gardener
Asher Riddleyard Relics of the Past - Part III
Draven Krauss Deep Forest Any Means Necessary, Curse Breaker, Plant Protection Program
Isabella Krauss Deep Forest Curse Breaker
Rena Deep Forest Tainted Blood, Plant Protection Program
Akeros Deep Forest Tainted Blood, Reading the Stars
Ayla Deep Forest Tainted Blood

Rachelle Chaudoir

Deep Forest  A Feathered Friend


Deep Forest A Feathered Friend

Captain Conrad

Deep Forest  Eyes on the Inside, Plant Protection Program, Reading the Stars

Teresa Reeves

Deep Forest  Eyes on the Inside


Haggleton Dangers of the Night


NPC Name Location Quest Included


Walden Keeping Up With New Walden


Walden Keeping Up With New Walden


Walden Keeping Up With New Walden

Harley Hamilton

Walden  The Walden Redux

Robyn Cowle

Walden  A Good Deed?


Walden Devious Dinner


Walden Devious Dinner


Walden Devious Dinner


Walden Devious Dinner


Walden Devious Dinner


Walden Devious Dinner


Walden Devious Dinner

Marley Hamilton

Walden The Walden DilemmaThe Coalescence

Emelia Grant

Walden The Walden Dilemma

Samuel Grant

Walden The Walden Dilemma

Coby Lowe

Walden The Walden Dilemma

Cleo Burke


The Walden DilemmaThe Coalescence

Maisy Ward

Walden The Walden Dilemma

Axel Stewart

Walden The Walden Dilemma

Eduard Francis

Walden The Walden Dilemma

Butcher Bill

Walden The Walden Dilemma

Mayor Otto

Walden The Coalescence
Evan Chalice  Gnollberg Port A Tale of Corruption
Ivan Polier  Gnollberg Port A Tale of Corruption
Stephanie Bloques  Gnollberg Port A Tale of Corruption
Jerrick Tomes  Gnollberg Port A Tale of Corruption
Emiliah Yiles  Gnollberg Port A Tale of Corruption
Mayor Stanton  Gnollberg Port A Tale of Corruption


Gnollberg Port  Cursed Forces

Shark Beard

Gnollberg Port  Cursed Forces


Gnollberg Port Creature Collection


Gnollberg Port  Taking a Deeper Look, Going DeeperDeceased Production


Gnollberg Port  Taking a Deeper LookGoing Deeper


Gnollberg Port  Going Deeper

Doctor Dott

Gnollberg Port  Deceased Production


Gnollberg Port  The Greenshore Excursion


Greenshore Harbour A Dangerous Delivery


Greenshore Harbour A Dangerous Delivery


Greenshore Harbour A Dangerous Delivery


Greenshore Harbour Well Water Well-Being


Greenshore Harbour Well Water Well-Being


Greenshore Harbour Well Water Well-Being

Dr. Lin

Greenshore Harbour Well Water Well-Being


Greenshore Harbour Calming The Beast


Greenshore Harbour Calming The Beast


Greenshore Harbour Calming The Beast


Greenshore Harbour Scaly Suspicions


Greenshore Harbour  Scaly Suspicions


Greenshore Harbour  Scaly Suspicions

Jared Swain

Greenshore Harbour  Scaly SuspicionsInvestigative Research

Officer Carson

Greenshore Harbour  Into the DarkAn Unlikely Investigation

Captain Jane

Greenshore Harbour, The Dark Prison Into the Dark

First Mate James Koelle

The Dark Prison Into the Dark


The Dark Prison Into the DarkEscaping the InescapableAn Unlikely Investigation

Prisoner Ava Chalice

The Dark Prison Into the Dark

Prisoner Celia Fridolf 

The Dark Prison Into the DarkThe Dementare's Kiss

Prisoner Jason 

The Dark Prison Into the DarkEscaping the InescapableThe Dementare's KissAn Unlikely Investigation

Prisoner Nico Krauss

The Dark Prison Escaping the Inescapable


The Dark Prison Escaping the Inescapable

Prisoner Shauna Heriches

The Dark Prison Ancient Magicks

Eva Mennings

The Dark Prison Ancient Magicks


The Dark Prison Ancient Magicks

List of Reputation NPCs

Players may also encounter NPCs in many towns, which will allow them to begin Reputation tasks.

Hogsend Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
Gum Drop Cooking
Willow Davies DADA
Madame Fairfield Divination
Hailey Dixon Divination
Ms. Mairan Herbology
Werewolf Kaya Potions
Dawn Bright Transfiguration

London Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
Ray Malinepesti Cooking
Mr. Dubious DADA
Professor Steve Divination
Jared Roberts Divination
Bonnie Wilson Herbology
Crista Jenkins Potions
Mick Dawson Transfiguration

Portstead Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
Gregory Burns Cooking
Lincoln Graham DADA
Elijah Sinclair Divination
Rebecca Boyle Divination
Colton Bell Herbology
Emilia Marshall Potions
Landon Shaw Transfiguration

Edgebrook Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
Billy Carr Cooking
Giles Ramsey DADA
Diane Thompson Divination
Carter Walsh Divination
Susan Griffiths Herbology
Jennifer Flynn Potions
Blacksmith Eloise Transfiguration

Tristmoor Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
Anthony Bolton Cooking
Virginia Evans DADA
Bruce Mitchell Divination
Marty Mitchell Divination
Zoe Jackson Herbology
Mayor Tess Potions
Greg Hobbs Transfiguration

Squalus Cove Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
Thomas Binns Cooking
Grier Wallace DADA
Banker Timothy Divination
Kyle Kepner Divination
Betty Brigham Herbology
Frank Tinsley Potions
Jane Caldwell Transfiguration

Eldham Ridge Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
Cole Timbers Cooking
Justin Streal DADA
Samantha Palmer Divination
Spencer Palmer Divination
Sam Webb Herbology
Martin Ollie Potions
Hailey Graham Transfiguration

Griffin's Hollow Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
Ash Wiley Cooking
Chester Holmes DADA
Craig Grant Divination
Ray Grant Divination
Baptiste Monet Herbology
Rodric Walter Potions
Meredith Green Transfiguration

Wigtown Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
Finley Wells Cooking
Tristan Davis DADA
Quinton Parker Divination
Phillip Hudson Divination
Maeve Ellis Herbology
Denver Wyatt Potions
Octavia Blake Transfiguration

Ireland Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
Sean Raydon Cooking
Byron Ledford DADA
Professor Langston Divination
Fisher Blake Divination
Reina Jeffries Herbology
Robin Bullock Potions
Firoze Lennon Transfiguration

Riddleyard Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
Margaretta Wakefield Cooking
Titus West Cooking
Pietro Moretti DADA
Piper Verlice Divination
Arnold Verlice Divination
Martha Kelson Herbology
Oliver Hansley Potions
Silas Gilbert Transfiguration

Haggleton Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
Chef Bob Cooking
Barry Flinn DADA
Half-Giant Spencer Divination
Larry McLark Divination
Parish Tyler Herbology
Mike Renegan Potions
Half-Giant Tobby Transfiguration

Antrum Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
Cooper Finley Cooking
Maryan Henderson DADA
Abigail Atkinson Divination
Ivan Fletcher Divination
Jedidiah Hayes Herbology
Nate Sharp Potions
Inky Little Transfiguration
Myla Stone Transfiguration
Ronnie Moss Transfiguration

Rushstone Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
James Turner Cooking
Ivy Danworth DADA
Cailin Moore Divination
Jonah Hughes Divination
Harriet Elton Herbology
Taylor Simmons Potions
Violet Watson Transfiguration

Walden Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
Timmy Powell Cooking
Carl Eton DADA
Jake Conrad Divination
Alex Wilson Divination
Jamie Myers Herbology
Teddy Lloyd Herbology
Jessie Kash Potions
Elle Hamilton Transfiguration

Gnollberg Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
William Tree Cooking
Caroline Parker DADA
Brian McCarthy Divination
Finn Divination
Howard Hale Herbology
Archie Charlton Potions
Hunter Murphy Transfiguration

Greenshore Harbour Reputation

NPC Name Task Type
Meli Lastus Cooking
Officer Mark DADA
Lucy Collins Divination
Diana Divination
Latt Amin Herbology
Oliver Clarke Potions
Tailor John Transfiguration