Monsters and Herbology

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Herbology Professor.png

Quest Information
Location: Hogsworth
Coordinates: 3488 35 2633
Level: 3
Starting NPC:  Herbology Professor


  • 6 Gold
  • 1227 Experience
  • Herbologist Gloves
  • Access to the Head of Honeybadger's Warp Key


The Herbology Professor is teaching a class. Learn how to properly harvest plants along with a brief explanation of the creatures scattered throughout the world.

Quest Progression

To begin the quest, you need to speak to the Herbology Professor in the Greenhouses. 


  • [1/5] Greetings! Welcome to Herbology, the class of the green-thumbs. We'll be diving into the world of plant-harvesting and later, we'll talk about the creepy crawlies that you can find in the world.
  • [2/5] Harvesting plants throughout the world is important; you always need to keep an eye out for possible vegetation. They'll have a green hologram and white particles.
  • [3/5] Now, try harvesting the plants yourself. I'm a firm believer of doing it yourself, it's the best way to learn.
  • [4/5] Watch out for creatures living nearby when you're harvesting, as they are protective of their lands.
  • [5/5] There's different plants around the Greenhouses, go harvest [1 Wormwood], [1 Nightshade], [1 Puffing Pod], and [1 Asphodel]! Bring them back to me once you've harvested them!

Objective 1 - Harvest the plants and then return to Professor Bloom!


There's different plants around the Greenhouses, go harvest [1 Wormwood], [1 Nightshade], [1 Puffing Pod], and [1 Asphodel]! Return them to Professor Bloom when you've finished!


  • [1/4] You're a true green-thumb! These are some of the best [Wormwood], [Nightshade], [Puffing Pod] and [Asphodel] plants that I've ever seen!
  • [2/4] You definitely have a career in Herbology if that's something that you're interested in!
  • [3/4] These plants can be used for a multitude of things including various cooking and potion projects.
  • [3/4] However, you need to watch out for the creatures that lurk throughout the world. Some of them will attempt to hurt you if you come too close.


  • Herbology is one of the biggest gameplay sources in the Potterworld universe. You can use the plants that you find for various professions and activities around the world. 
  • Not all mobs that you find around the plants are hostile, but most are! Beware of running into mob areas if you aren't prepared - mobs can be pretty lethal and can set you back to the nearest spawn area.