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Player Commands

On Potterworld, there are several useful commands players can use. Commands are used frequently, as they help to make your experience on the server easier. As you use commands, you may discover that there are a variety of different commands that serve for the same purpose. One example of this is /bal. There are alternate commands you can use in place of /bal to see your balance such as /ac, /money, and /balance

For reference,  'IGN' stands for "in-game name" and refers to a player's username.

Commands List

Below is a list of all player commands and what they do.

General Commands

Command Description Aliases
/bal These commands display your balances for any currency you may have. These currencies include Gold, AC, Potter Points, Voting Tokens, Arena Tokens, and Event Tokens. If you do not have one of the currencies listed, that would mean its balance is zero. /balance, /money, /ac
/broom These commands show you any broom appearances you own. To equip the appearance, simply click on the icon of the one you would like to use. /brooms
/daily These commands allow you to directly open the daily activities menu to redeem rewards. /taskboard,  /activities
/deathfx These commands display any death effects you own. To equip the death effect, simply click on the icon of the one you would like to use. /fxdeath, /deadfx, /fxdead, /deatheffects, /effectsdeath, /deadeffects, /effectsdead
/discord This command lets you link your account to Potterworld’s Discord. Make sure to log into Discord in a web browser for this to work.

/discoveries These commands brings up a menu that displays all of the discoveries you have collected so far. You are able to see the total amount discovered in each town and are able to re-read the discovery itself. /discovery
/disposal This command lets you open an inventory menu where you are able to dispose of any items that you no longer want or need. By placing an item in the disposal, it will be permanently gone.

/dispose, /trash, /bin

These commands allow you to see any available Dungeons to join. /dungeons
/event These commands allow you to switch event servers when an event is on. /events
/gauntlet These commands allow you to see any available Gauntlets to join, once unlocked in Shade Alley. /gauntlets
/games These commands display all of the minigames offered on Potterworld. The number listed on each game’s icon represents the amount of people in a queue. When you hover over each icon, you will see the minimum amount of players required and the maximum players allowed to play. To join the queue for a game, simply click on the icon of the one you would like to play. /game, /minigame, /minigames, /arcade, /play, /matchmake, /matchmaking
/gear This command displays your gear that is in use. When you hover over the gear piece icons on the left-hand side, you will be able to view the statistics, gear slot, required level, and durability of that piece. On the right-hand side, you will be able to look in-depth at your gear’s power, defence, intelligence, and potency.

/gear <IGN> This command displays the gear that is in use by another player. When using /gear <IGN>, make sure to be on the same world as the player whose gear you are trying to check. Otherwise, this command will not work.

/gs These commands display your minigame stats. It even includes seasonal minigames such as Snowballing or Star Racing. When you hover over your head, you can also view the amount of plays, wins, and losses you have between all of the minigames you ever played. /gamestats
/hats This command displays any hats you own. To equip the hat, simply click on the icon of the one you would like to use. If you also purchased a wand that is wearable, you would use /hats to equip it. You are able to view any you may have when you click on the “View Wearable Wands” icon. To remove a hat, you can press E to open your inventory and click the hat in your helmet slot.


These commands bring up a menu containing a lot of information about the server. There are multiple sections of this menu, and you can view most portions by selecting on icons that say “Click to continue”. Otherwise, you will be able to view the information when you hover over the icon. /faq
/home This command allows you to go directly to your own housing, without having to type your IGN. This command is only accessible when in a town.

/housing This command brings up a menu for you in regards to housing. You can view information about what each icon is and does by hovering over each one. Like /home, command is only accessible when in a town.

/housing <IGN> This command teleports you to the housing of the player you requested. Just like /housing, this is only accessible when in a town.

/hub These commands bring you to a menu to view the hubs available. When you hover over the icon, you are provided information about that hub. Once you click on the icon, you will be brought into that hub. However, if the hub you are trying to join is full, you will not be teleported in. /hubs, /lobby
/ignore These commands bring up a list of the other commands in relation to the ignore command. /block
/ignore <IGN> These commands allow you to ignore a specific player (note: you can not ignore staff). /block <IGN>

/unignore <IGN>

These commands allow you to unignore a specific player. /unblock <IGN>
/ignore list This command brings up a list of all the players you have ignored.
/kill These commands will both cause you to die, and respawn at the nearest spawn point to where you were. /spawn
/leave  These commands allow you to leave the queues for minigames if you no longer want to play it. However, be careful when using /leave if you are in a class, as this command will also remove you from class. If you ever have to leave a minigame queue whilst in a class, make sure to use /exit or /quit. /exit, /quit
/link This command allows you to link your Minecraft account to your forums account.

/map These commands put a link in chat to the map of the world. /worldmap, /maps, /worldmaps, /maprender
/me This command brings up a menu with several different icons in regards to your player. You can hover over each icon to see what they do.

/nc These commands give you a message about what the next scheduled class or challenge will be. You will also be provided with a link to the calendar of classes and challenges in chat. /nextclass
/online <IGN> This command will tell you whether the player you are looking for is online or offline. It is compatible with both nicknames and usernames.

/pack These commands will bring you to a menu with all of the options for a resource pack. You can view the details of each resource pack by hovering over the icons. To equip the one you like, simply click on the icon. /resourcepacks, /packs, /resourcepack
/ping This command allows you to view your ping.

/ping <IGN> This command allows you to view the ping of another player. You must be on the same world as the person whose ping you would like to view, and must also use their username, not their nickname.

/points These commands allow you to see how many points each house has gathered for the House Cup. It also displays: how many points the leading house is ahead by, the number of points the player has earned in the current quarter, and the total number of points the player has earned. /housepoints, /hp
/prefixes These commands will bring up a menu with all of the possible prefixes you can have. To see which prefix is which, hover over the icon for details. To equip the prefix you would like to use, simply click on the icon of the one you want to choose. /prefix
/quests These commands will display the progress of any active quest you may have. When you hover over the icon, you will be able to see the details regarding the quests. /quest, /q
/quests completed These commands show you all of your past quests completed over your time on the server. These include world quests and quests from events. /quests complete, /q complete, /q completed
/quests items These commands display the items added to your Quest Item Bag. /quest items, /q items
/realname <IGN> This command will allow you to see the username and nickname of a player. It works with either the username or nickname.

/reset This command is used after you purchase a reset token at the store. Once you have received the token, /reset will pull up a menu in which you can either confirm or deny the reset.

/rules This command will send a link in chat to the rules that are listed on Potterworld’s website. You can find the rules here.

/settings This command opens a menu of custom visual settings for players, such as the chosen display for when one dies.
/shop These commands bring up the menu for the player shop. You can use this menu to deposit and manage your stock and shop. /shops
/socialmedia These commands give you links to all five of Potterworld’s social medias: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. /sm
/spellslist These commands bring up a menu, categorising the spells by year and cosmetic. This is incredibly useful if you forget which level you received a certain spell. /spelllist
These commands bring up a list of the other commands in relation to the spellpreset command. /spellpresets, /preset, /presets, /spellpresets help, /preset help, /presets help  
/spellpreset save <name> These commands allow you to save your entire current wand inventory as a new spell preset. /spellpresets save <name>, /preset save <name>, /presets save <name>
/spellpreset apply <name> These commands load one of your previously saved spell preset. /spellpresets apply <name>, /preset apply <name>, /presets apply <name>
/spellpreset update <name> These commands update a saved spell preset with your new current wand inventory. /spellpresets update <name>, /preset update <name>, /presets update <name>
/spellpreset delete <name> These commands delete one of your previously saved spell presets. /spellpresets delete <name>, /preset delete <name>, /presets delete <name>
/spellpreset list These commands show a list of all your saved spell presets. /spellpresets list, /preset list, /presets list
/store These commands send you a link to our Potterworld store. /buy
/suggestion These commands send a link in chat to the suggestions and feedback section of the forums. This is where you can leave any ideas you may have for the server. /suggestions, /idea, /ideas, /feedback
/t create This command brings up a menu for when you want to create a ticket. You will be given an option to view the FAQ rather than making a ticket in case your question can be answered there. Otherwise, the other icon will allow for you to create a ticket to send in to staff members. You will receive a message to say your issue or question in chat, which will then be sent in for assistance. You can also make a ticket on the website, click here if you wish to do so.

/t list This command displays any open tickets you may have. When you hover over the head, you will be able to see the description you provided. If you have a ticket open and would like to close it, simply click on your head.

/tag These commands will bring you to a menu to set your colour for tab. You can hover over each icon to see which color it would be. To equip the one you like, simply click on the corresponding icon. /tags, /tab, /tabs, /playertag
/talents These commands brings up a menu where you can assign and manage your talents. /talent
/trade <IGN> This command is an alternate way of trading with someone. This will either send a request to the player you want to trade with or accept a trade request. You must be within range of the person on the same world or else this command will not work.

/vote This command will send the links for the voting websites in chat.

This command opens a GUI that allows you to choose a new wand wood and core for your wand. After first selecting a wood and core, in order to change it again, you have to purchase a wand lore token from the online store.
/wandrename This command opens a GUI that allows you to use a wand rename token purchased from the online store. After running this command and selecting the wand, either type your desired wand name to rename your wand, or type cancel to cancel your wand rename session.

/wands This command will bring up a menu about customisations you can make to your wand. When you hover over one of the five icons in the menu, you will see which wand option it is. To use this command, you must be holding your wand. 

/warpkeys These commands display any Warp Key appearances owned. To equip the appearance, simply click on the icon of the appearance you want to use. /warpkey, warpkeybag, warpkeysbag
/website These commands will provide a link to you in chat to Potterworld’s website. If you wish to visit the website, click here. /site, /forum, /forums
/weeklyassignment These commands send a link in chat to the current Weekly Assignment form. /academicsassignment, /assignment
/wiki These commands send a link in chat to the Potterworld Wiki. /wikis, /wikipedia, /wikipedias
/wineffects These commands bring up the Minigame Effects GUI, where you can select the firework effect cosmetic that appears when you win a minigame.  /winfx, /fxwin, /minigamefx
/world These commands bring you to a menu to view the worlds available. When you hover over the icon, you are provided information about that world. Once you click on the icon, you will be brought into that world. However, if the world you are trying to join is full, you will not be teleported in. Use the command as well if you are having an issue with a quest, this could potentially fix your issue. /worlds
/xpboosts These commands allow you to activate temporary XP boosts, which are earned through claiming voting streak packs from the Voting Shop.  /xpboost, /boosts, /boost
/youtube These commands gives you a link in chat to Potterworld’s Youtube channel. /yt

Chat Commands

Command Description  Aliases 
/a <message> This command will allow you to speak in the Auralock chat. You do not have to be focused on the Auralock chat with this command, but you must have joined the channel. You can only access the Auralock chat if you purchased the package or prefix.

/ch These commands list all of the available channels that you can view and join. /chat, /channel
/ch <channel name> This command makes the channel you requested to be your focused channel. However, this command will not work on the hourglass channel, as you cannot send messages there. This also will not work while you are in a class, as class chat always takes priority as your focused channel.

/ch join These commands allow you to join the channel you would like. /chat join
/ch join all These commands let you join every chat that you have access to. /chat join all
/ch leave These commands allow you to leave a specific channel. /chat leave
/ch leave all These commands allow you to leave all the channels possible. /chat leave all
/d <message> This command will allow you to speak in the Dark Follower chat. You do not have to be focused on the Dark Follower chat with this command, but you must have joined the channel. You can only access the Dark Follower chat if you purchased the package or prefix.

/g <message> This command will allow you to speak in global chat. You do not have to be focused on the global chat with this command, but you must have joined the channel.

/ga <message> This command will allow you to speak in games chat. You do not have to be focused on the games chat with this command, but you must have joined the channel.

/gu <message> This command will allow you to speak in guild chat if you are in a guild. You do not have to be focused on guild chat with this command, but you must have joined the channel. This channel is private.
/gc <message> This command will allow you to speak in the Griffin house chat. You do not have to be focused on the Griffin house chat with this command, but you must have joined the channel. You can only access the Griffin chat if you are a Griffin.

/hc <message> This command will allow you to speak in the Honeybadger house chat. You do not have to be focused on the Honeybadger house chat with this command, but you must have joined the channel. You can only access the Honeybadger chat if you are a Honeybadger.

/sc <message> This command will allow you to speak in the Serpent house chat. You do not have to be focused on the Serpent house chat with this command, but you must have joined the channel. You can only access the chat if you are a Serpent.

/rc <message>

This command will allow you to speak in the Raven house chat. You do not have to be focused on the Raven house chat with this command, but you must have joined the channel. You can only access the chat if you are a Raven.

/l <message> This command will allow you to speak in local chat, which is viewable by players within 20 blocks. You do not have to be focused on local chat with this command.

/mu <message> This command will allow you to speak in the unsorted chat and welcome new players who have yet to be sorted. You do not have to be focused on unsorted chat with this command, but you must have joined the channel.
/msg These commands remove the focus you may have set when messaging someone when focused earlier. /message, /tell, /w, /pm, /m
/msg <IGN> These commands set a focus on a player when you message them. You will not have to fully type out the messaging command when you are focused. /message , /tell , /w , /pm , /m
/msg <IGN> <message> These commands send a message to the person you intend it for. You do not need to be focused on the player when using these commands.  /message <IGN> <message>, /w <IGN> <message>, /pm <IGN> <message>, /m <IGN> <message>
/p <message> This command will allow you to speak in the Phoenix chat. You do not have to be focused on the Phoenix chat with this command, but you must have joined the channel. You can only access the Phoenix chat if you purchased the package or prefix.

/pc <message> This command will allow you to speak in party chat. You do not have to be focused on party chat with this command, but you must have joined the channel. You can only access party chat if you are in a party. You can use this command within classes. This channel is private.

/qc <message> This command will allow you to speak in quests chat, typically to discuss and or ask for help related to quests, riddles, etc. You do not have to be focused on quests chat with this command, but you must have joined the channel. 

/r <message> These commands allow for you to respond quicker to the last person to have messaged you. /reply
/rp <message> This command will allow you to speak in roleplay chat, typically to ask others if they would like to roleplay or as a chat for roleplay. You do not have to be focused on roleplay chat with this command, but you must have joined the channel.

/tc <message> This command will allow you to speak in trade chat, typically for advertising your shop, or items you are selling, or items you are interested in buying. You do not have to be focused on trade chat with this command, but you must have joined the channel.

Party Commands

Command Description  Aliases 
/party These commands bring up a list of the other commands in regards to a party. /party help
/party abandon This command abandons a party. You must be the owner of the party in order to abandon a party.

/party disband

/party accept <IGN> These commands allow you to join the party of someone else. They must have sent you an invite to join, otherwise this command will not work.

/party join

/party create This command creates a party.

/party decline <IGN> This command declines an invite from someone owning a party.

/party description <description> This command allows you to edit the description of your party displayed in the /party list menu.
/party friendlyfire These commands toggle if you can use spells on your fellow party members. /party ff
/party invite <IGN> This command invites a player to the party. You must be the owner of the party in order to send an invite.

/party add

/party invites This command lists any unanswered invite requests you have received.

/party leave This command lets you leave a party.

/party list This command opens a menu of the public parties that you are able to join.
/party members This command lists the current members of the party.

/party pending These commands show a list of all party invites that you have received. /party requests
/party promote <IGN> These commands make the intended person the new owner of the party. You must be the owner in order to promote someone else.

/party owner

/party public This command toggles the ability to join parties without an invite.
/party remove <IGN> This command removes the intended person from the party.

/party kick

/party visibility This command toggles the visibility of party members in areas where players are usually hidden, such as world echoes, classes, and quests. /party visible

Friend Commands

Command Description  Aliases 
/friend These commands show the friend help overview. /f, /f help, /friend help
/friend add <IGN> These commands send a friend request to a player. /f add
/friend decline <IGN> These commands decline an incoming friend request. /f decline
/friend accept <IGN> These commands accept an incoming friend request. /f accept
/friend remove <IGN> These commands remove a player from your friends list. /f remove
/friend cancel <IGN> These commands cancel a friend request you sent to a player. /f cancel
/friend favourite <IGN> These commands mark a player as a favourite friend. They also can be used to remove a player from the favourite friends list if they are already on it. /friend favorite, /friend best, /friend fav, /friend fave, /f favourite, /f favorite, /f best, /f fav, /f fave
/friend list <page #> These commands display the friends you have on the page requested. /friends, /f list
/friend list all These commands show all friends in a GUI. /f list all
/friend invites These commands display any pending friend requests you have sent. /f invites
/friend requests These commands display any friend requests players have sent to you that are still pending. /f requests
/friend notify <on|off> These commands toggle whether or not you receive a notification if someone comes online and offline.

/f notify<on|off>

/friend request <on|off> These commands toggle whether or not someone can send you a friend request. /f request<on|off>

House Commands

Command Description Aliases 
/house These commands show a GUI to help you customise your housing plot via Housing Commands, House Settings, Housing Access, and Housing Help. /h
/house help These commands let you view all housing commands in chat. /h help
/house access These commands allow you to specify groups that you would like to allow or not allow at your housing. Available options include: Residents, Public, Friends, Party, Guild. /h access
/house addowner <IGN> These commands add a player as a co-owner to your housing. Co-ownership serves as an elevated status above residents, allowing one to change all parts of a Housing and bypass all restrictions (except for resetting the housing plot or changing the scenery). /h addowner <IGN>
/house addresident <IGN> These commands add a player as a resident to your housing. They can therefore build and make edits. /h addresident
/house ban <IGN> These commands ban a player from your housing. /h ban
/house banned These commands list players banned on your housing. /h banned
/house biome <biome> These commands set the biome of your housing. /h biome
/house biomelist These commands list the biomes you can use on your housing. /h biomelist
/house border <on|off> These commands toggle whether or not there is a red outline of the area of your housing which you can build in. /h border <on|off>
/house damage <on|off> These commands toggle whether or not a player can take damage at your housing. /h damage <on|off>
/house description <line> <description> These commands allow you to add a description in the scoreboard that is visible when players visit your housing. /h description
/house description clear These commands clears your previously set housing description. /h description clear
/house elf These commands move your house-elf to where you are standing. /h elf
/house elf name <name> These commands rename your house-elf. /h elf name 
/house fly These commands allow you to make a one-time purchase of house flying for 20,000 Gold, and then grants the ability to toggle your house flying on or off. /h fly
/house info These commands display information about the housing you are at. /h info
/house kick <IGN> These commands kick a player currently on your housing from it. /h kick
/house list These commands display players currently on your housing. /h list
/house magic <on|off> These commands toggle magic at your housing. /h magic <on|off>
/house message <message> These commands set the welcome message of your housing. /h message
/house message clear These commands clear the welcome message of your housing. /h message clear
/house name <name> These commands set the name of your housing. /h name
/house owners These commands list your housing's co-owners. /h owners
/house pvp <on|off> These commands toggle PvP at your housing. /h pvp <on|off>
/house removeowner <IGN> These commands remove a player as a co-owner from your housing. /h removeowner
/house removeresident <IGN> These commands remove a player as a resident from your housing. /h removeresident
/house residents These commands display a menu of residents at your housing. /h residents
/house scenery These commands display a menu of sceneries you can use at your housing. You can buy new house sceneries at the Potterworld store, click here to go there. /h scenery
/house shopkeeper These commands spawn a shopkeeper at the point you are standing at. /h shopkeeper, /h shopkeeper spawn
/house shopkeeper name <name> These commands rename your shopkeeper. /h shopkeeper name
/house shopkeeper remove These commands remove the shopkeeper from your housing. /h shopkeeper remove
/house spawn These commands teleport you to the spawn of the housing. /h spawn
/house spawn reset These commands reset the spawn point for your housing. /h spawn reset
/house spawn set These commands set the spawn for your housing at the point you are standing. /h spawn set
/house time <time> These commands set the time for your housing. /h time
/house unban <IGN> These commands unban a player from your housing. /h unban
/house weather <sun|rain> These commands set the weather for your housing. /h weather 
/house settings These commands let you view and manage various house-related settings. /h settings

Pet Commands

Command Description  Aliases
/pet These commands display a menu of pets you own. You can spawn the pet you want with this menu. You can buy pets off the Potterworld store. Click here to check it out. /pets
/pet age  These commands display a menu of the ages you can set for your pet. Not all pets will have this option, though. /pets age 
/pet help These commands display a pet help overview. /pets help
/pet hide These commands hide your pet. /pets hide
/pet name <name> These commands set the name for your spawned pet. /pets name
/pet remove These commands remove your spawned pet. You will have to spawn it in again if you want to have it out. /pets remove
/pet show These commands show your hidden pet. /pets show
/pet spawn <type> These commands spawn a specific pet you own. /pets spawn
/pet summon These commands teleport your pet to you. /pets summon
/pet type These commands set the type of pet that you have spawned, such as a colour. Not all pets will have this option, though. /pets type

Guild Commands

Command Description  Aliases
/guild help These commands show the Potterworld Guilds overview. /guilds help
/guild create <name> These commands create a new guild. /guilds info
/guild view These commands give information about one's guild. /guilds view, /guild info, /guilds info
/guild view <IGN|guild> These commands give information about a target guild or a target player's guild. /guilds view <IGN|guild>, /guild info <IGN|guild>, /guilds info <IGN|guild>
/guild notifications These commands modify your personal notification settings for your guild. /guilds notifications
/guild join <IGN|guild> These commands allow you to join the target guild. /guilds join <IGN|guild>, /guild accept <IGN|guild>, /guilds accept <IGN|guild>
/guild invite <IGN> These commands allow you to invite a player to the guild. /guilds invite <IGN>, /guild add <IGN>, /guild add <IGN>
/guild revoke <IGN> These commands allow you to revoke a player's invitation to the guild. /guilds revoke <IGN>, /guild inviterevoke <IGN>, /guilds inviterevoke <IGN>, /guild cancel <IGN>, /guilds cancel <IGN>
/guild decline <IGN|guild> These commands allow you to decline an invitation to join a guild. /guilds decline <IGN|guild>, /guild invitedecline <IGN|guild>, /guilds invitedecline <IGN|guild>, /guild reject <IGN|guild>, /guilds reject <IGN|guild>
/guild pending These commands list all invites that you have received from other guilds. /guilds pending, /guild invitepending, /guilds invitepending
/guild invites These commands list all invites that your guild has sent out. /guilds invites, /guild invitelist, /guilds invitelist
/guild settings These commands allow you to modify the settings of the guild using an interactive GUI. /guilds settings
/guild messages These commands allow you to modify the default messages of the guild using an interactive GUI. /guilds messages, /guild locale, /guilds locale
/guild prefixes These commands allow you to modify the default prefixes given to members at specific ranks. /guilds prefixes
/guild color These commands modify the chat colour of the guild chat using an interactive GUI. /guilds colour, /guild chatcolour, /guilds chatcolour
/guild members These commands show a list of all members in the guild and when they were last seen. /guilds members, /guild online, /guilds online
/guild disband These commands disband a guild. /guilds disband
/guild leave These commands allow you to leave your current guild. /guilds leave
/guild list These commands open a menu of the public guilds that you are able to join. /guilds list
/guild activity These commands show a list of recent guild events. /guilds activity, /guild history, /guilds history
/guild activity <type> These commands allow you to filter your guild activity into categories: all, bank, members, settings, and invites. /guilds activity <type>
/guild promote <IGN> These commands promote a player to the role of guild admin. /guilds promote <IGN>
/guild demote <IGN> These commands demote a player to the role of guild member. /guilds demote <IGN>
/guild owner <IGN> These commands transfer ownership to a member in your guild. /guilds owner <IGN>
/guild kick <IGN> These commands remove a player from the guild. /guilds kick <IGN>
/guild rename <IGN> These commands rename the guild. /guilds rename <name>
/guild prefix <IGN> <prefix> These commands set the prefix of another member in the guild. /guilds prefix <IGN> <prefix>
/guild deposit <amount> These commands deposit money to the guild bank. /guilds deposit <amount>
/guild withdraw <amount> These commands withdraw money from the guild bank for guild admins or owners. /guilds withdraw <amount>
/guild top balance These commands list the top 10 richest guilds. /guilds top balance
/guild top members These commands list the top 10 biggest guilds. /guilds top members
/gu <message> These commands send a message in your guild chat.

/ch gu This command focuses your chat to guild chat.

Subscriber Commands

Command Description  Aliases 
/subscriber These commands bring up a menu with several different icons in regards to your monthly store subscription.

/da, /droobledore_army, /droobledores_army, /sub

/joinfx These commands directly open up a menu that allows subscribers to choose a join effect. /joineffects, /joineffect, /effectsjoin, /fxjoin
/emoji These commands list all of the possible emojis that subscribers can use when talking. /emojis