A Helping Hand

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Quest Information
Location: Mysterious Manor

Coordinates: 4061 44 9364

Level: 45
Starting NPC: Kira


Kira the house-elf has fallen ill and the masters are coming home soon! She urgently asks for your help to prepare the Manor for her masters' return, and to help heal her of her illness.

Quest Progression

To begin this quest, speak to Kira the house-elf NPC, who is inside of her masters’ home, the Mysterious Manor.


Before accepting

  • [1/3] *cough* C-can I help you, stranger?
  • [2/3] I'm the House Elf of this - *cough* - Manor. U-unfortunately I've... fallen ill and... well... the masters are returning home soon.
  • [3/3] Could you - *cough* - help me prepare for their arrival?

After accepting

  • [1/6] You will? Oh, thank you, thank you!
  • [2/6] *cough* Here is a list of tasks for you to complete before they return.
  • [3/6] First, you must mop the kitchen. You can find a mop in the upstairs broom closet and a bucket in the basement.
  • [4/6] Next, set the table. The list has an explanation on how to do it properly. The masters love when everything is perfect.
  • [5/6] Finally, dust the furniture in the first floor study in the north wing. You will need something to see where to dust, though.
  • [6/6] In case you forget anything, or need more details, just read the list. *cough* Good luck, and thank you.

Objective 1 - Help Kira clean the Manor


Using the list that Kira gave you, find a way to mop the kitchen, set the table, and dust the furniture in the study.


  • [1/6] Oh, you did it! You completed everything on the list. My spirits feel lifted already.
  • [2/6] *cough* I still feel dreadfully ill, however. Would you mind doing me just one last favour?
  • [3/6] I need you to brew me a Restorative Draught to help me get better. However, our ingredients are completely depleted!
  • [4/6] There's an old lamp - *cough* - in the basement. If you touch it, it will bring you to a house by the ocean called the Seaside Cottage.
  • [5/6] Once there, you can find all the ingredients you need. I've written them down on this recipe for you.
  • [6/6] However, the enchantment on the lamp is weak at the moment, and it can only be used once. You'll have to return here without it. You can brew the potion in the kitchen. Good luck!

Objective 2 - Brew a potion for Kira


Take the lamp in the basement to Seaside Cottage. Find the ingredients on the recipe that Kira gave you, and then return to the Manor to brew the potion in the kitchen.


  • [1/3] Kira drinks the potion and the colour quickly returns to her face.
  • [2/3] I feel much better already. Thank you so much for all your help. Now the masters will be pleased when they get home.
  • [3/3] In return for your help, I've strengthened the enchantment on the lamp, and you can use it both ways whenever you please!


  • There are sparkles on the doors of the rooms that you will have to enter. Keep an eye out for them since they will be extremely useful.
  • This quest unlocks another fast travel method.