Once the site of an acclaimed mining facility named Heartston Trench Inc., Antrum has now become mostly abandoned. In the 1920s, when most civilisations were agrarian and ebbing with nature, the company quickly took over the town. Over the years, people flocked towards corporations and homes in large cities. Heartston Trench Inc. was easily accessible to mineral buyers and quickly grew popular.
As the town became more abandoned, miners refused to accept that society was expanding and laboured there for years after the town’s peak. They were caught up in remembering the time when Heartston Trench was successful and therefore did not find new work opportunities necessary. Eventually, the workers who remained left after working for years in isolation. When escaping from the mine, one worker dropped a bag full of magical bomb-like objects, which trapped the rest of the workers. The workers were eventually found and interviewed about their escape effort. Shortly after being trapped, the workers' families showed them modern society and they saw improved potentials. Additionally, there were also areas of the cave slowly collapsing and the miners felt it was too dangerous to live there any longer.
Decades later, Antrum was formed by older folks who thrived on maintaining the surrounding wilderness to respect the traditions of the past. They did this by utilising Antrum’s natural resources and creating a space that was built upon by physical labour. The citizens depended only on themselves and their own hands, rather than machinery and technology.
Currently, Antrum experiences frequent problems with plummeting boulders and earthquakes. The workers had left the cave half-torn apart when they abandoned it and the cave is beginning to collapse into itself. Rubble from the mines tumble into Antrum as a result of this collapse. This rubble often consists of bits of limestone, the main resource mined by Heartston Trench. Unfortunately, the houses are partially crumbling as a result of being pelted by these crashing boulders. Chunks of houses are being torn off and some lives have been lost.
When visiting Antrum in the north, it is apparent that the citizens of the town had a lack of resources. They mostly used scraps from the caves as well as machinery that remained from the mines to build up their town. This explains why some parts of the houses are polished while others have been constructed from demolished material. There have also been numerous fires across the camps and houses that provide the villagers a primitive source of comfort.
Players can find Antrum in the northwest corner of the map. A player is able to visit and unlock Antrum at any time, however, it is much easier to get there by broom rather than scaling the mountains. This town and its surrounding area is ranged for players Level 70 and above. In Antrum, players can access a Shady Dealer, Vendor, Crafting Centre, Fire Dust network, the Marketplace, and their Bank Vaults at various points throughout the town. The Antrum Reputation taskboard is found directly to the north of the Marketplace.
Geography and Environment
Notable Locations
Heartston Trench Mines
The Heartston Trench mines were used by Heartston Trench Inc. to mine for resources, especially limestone. These mines were important to the foundation of the town and provided resources and income to help build the town up. However, they are currently abandoned and caving in on themselves, so it can be dangerous to try and explore them.
Currently, there are no shops with purchasable items located in Antrum.
There are currently no available quests that require the player to go to Antrum.
Creatures and Plants
Southeast of Antrum, Runespores can be found on sandy beaches, ready to stun and devour their prey. In the forest northeast of Antrum, Vexlings can be found, waiting to attract children with their cackle and eventually consume them. It is also important to be careful going to the northwestern edge of the map near the water on a full moon, as Werewolves can be found around the dead forest.
Plant nodes can also be found throughout Antrum and its surrounding forest. These plant nodes include Level 70 versions of Nightshade, Dittany, Wolfsbane, Wrinklefig, and Asphodel. These types of plants can be used to help craft profession recipes.
Hidden Chests
Hidden chests can be found scattered throughout the area. Chests can be hidden behind Leviomora blocks, Scoundrel’s Snare, locked doors, paintings, and even in places one might not expect. A good way to try and find hidden chests is to scour the area and look for the blue particles that the chests give off. The chests in Antrum are graduate level chests and will contain Level 71 - 80 materials; this includes gear recipes, broom recipes, and both generic and mob-specific mob drops. Additionally, hidden chests will give Gold depending on their tier and level. Chests can range from Tier 1 to Tier 3, with lower tiers tending to give less Gold and less items.
- Some townspeople have reported spotting a creature lurking around the caves late at night.
- Jacob Heartston, the creator of Heartston Trench Inc., was very active amongst both the polished and less polished societies of the town.
- At the height of his career, Jacob Heartston suddenly vanished to avoid becoming like his desperate workers. He decided to travel to the far corners of the wild and eventually became delusional, barely able to survive.
- Roland Heartston, Jacob Heartston's son, occasionally visits the town of Antrum to share some information on what the company used to be like.