Promoting S.P.E.W.

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Quest Information
Location: Hogsend
Coordinates: 4142 39 3628
Level: 23
Starting NPC: Natalia


A S.P.E.W. member wants to get more members for the club and to do that, they need to promote. Help the S.P.E.W. member promote the club by decorating a flier, printing out multiple copies, and posting them around Hogsend.

Quest Progression

To begin this quest, speak to the Natalia NPC outside the S.P.E.W. building near the south end of Hogsend.


  • [1/6] Hello! Welcome to S.P.E.W. Headquarters. S.P.E.W. is the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare! I am very proud to be a part of this club!
  • [2/6] If you don't know, we are currently looking for some new members to join us. You don't have to join, but I'd still like to give you the opportunity to lend us a helping hand. If you're willing to, of course.
  • [3/6] We've been trying to create the perfect fliers to promote the society and we just couldn't seem to come up with something that'll stand out. But I think I've come up with the perfect plan.
  • [4/6] If we used more unconventional decorations, I feel that would make our fliers pop out much more than any other. Plus it's a good way to show people how we do things in S.P.E.W..
  • [5/6] So all we'd need is a few things that can be picked up around Hogsend. I do know that [4 Fluffle Puff Fur] and [2 Fluffle Puff Tail] would add a variety of texture and colour to the poster. Those can be found from Fluffle Puffs near the Haunted Shack. 
  • [6/6] Oh, and another thing that would look great is [2 Thestry Mane]. Those can be found just outside Hogsend, by the train! Using these decorations will, for sure, catch people's eye! I'm busy coming up with other promotional ideas! So, what do you say, wanna help me with this?

Objective 1 - Decorate the flier


Collect [4 Fluffle Puff Fur] and [2 Fluffle Puff Tail] from Fluffle Puffs near the Haunted Shack. Then get [2 Thestry Mane] from Thestries just outside Hogsend, by the train. Return to S.P.E.W. Headquarters and decorate the flier.


  • [1/4] Oh, how gorgeous. These fliers are definitely going to catch people's attention.
  • [2/4] If only we had more than one…
  • [3/4] You know, there's a printing press at the Daily Newsletter. You can find that near the entrance of Hogsend and copy a few fliers. Then, after that, you can post them in a few key locations!
  • [4/4] There's a lot of populated places in Hogsend, where I think the fliers would get a lot of attention. Go ahead and find four places to post these fliers!

Objective 2 - Copy the flier


Go to the Daily Newsletter near the exit of Hogsend at 4219 37 3707 and copy the fliers at the printing press.

Objective 3 - Post the fliers around Hogsend


Help S.P.E.W. promote the club by going to locations around Hogsend and posting fliers.

- Taskboard near Honeysweets
- Taskboard near Magical Cuisine Marketplace
- Taskboard near Frizzle's Flowers
- Taskboard near The Broomsticks Inn

Objective 4 - Return to Natalia


You've just posted all of the needed fliers. You should go and let Natalia know.


  • [1/3] You're amazing! Our club is sure to get more people.
  • [2/3] I appreciate everything you've done, and I know the elves do as well!
  • [3/3] Take this as a reward for all your great promoting skills.


  • You can run the command /map in-game to get an overview of the city of Hogsend and the exact locations of the mobs.
  • If you are not familiar with the locations around Hogsend, you can ask for help in the Quests chat by running the command /qc [message]