Phoenix Camp

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Phoenix Camp.png

Location Information
Name: Phoenix Camp


The Phoenix Camp, located in a clearing in the Deep Forest near the northwestern coast, houses members of the Phoenix roleplay allegiance. Some magical creatures located nearby are the elusive Boglogs to the southeast and the carnivorous Manticores to the north. 

Though currently occupied by the Phoenixes, many other groups and allegiances have previously called the camp home. The area's first inhabitants were ancient Roman explorers that stumbled upon it by chance. Led by General Marcellus, the explorers searched for anything that could give them an advantage over their opponents. When they came across the location, they found a field of mysterious herbs that they decided to harvest and test. They discovered that the plants displayed a variety of different properties, however, there was one common trait: healing. Different herbs healed broken bones, open wounds, diseases, and even homesickness. 

When returning to the field, a certain herb caught General Marcellus’ eye. It grew apart from the others inside a deep ravine past the meadow. The general took only one sample of the mysterious herbs and did not use it for years, afraid of what the possible effects could be.

Eventually, Marcellus began experiencing a strange vision where he turned into a lion and terrorized his own soldiers. Unfortunately, instead of being visions, these events were reality. After two years had passed, the transformations grew out of control, and he realised what was truly happening. He returned to the field and could not resist eating the mysterious, cherry blossom-like flowers. After consuming them, the heavy feeling that had been plaguing him was lifted, and he named the herb “Beatum Mali”. This name would eventually evolve into what we now know the plant by: “Nocen’s Bliss”.

The Romans continued harvesting the plant until the empire fell. Once the Roman Empire was nonexistent, the field became uninhabited by humans. 

In more recent times, there were rumours of plants with mystical properties hidden in a meadow in the Deep Forest. A Dark Follower found a Roman general's old diary that detailed plants' healing properties and the location of the field. The Dark Followers then set up a base in the field and continued to use the plants, unaware that Centaurs were watching them. Preferring to observe rather than act, it took witnessing an act of pure evil for one Centaur to interfere. One Dark Follower at death’s door needed the Nocen’s Bliss to survive. The Centaur, Akeros, saw another Dark Follower, named Enoch Ringold, steal the Nocen’s Bliss for himself instead of healing the other. Akeros managed to convince the other Centaurs to drive the Dark Followers out of the meadow.

From that point, anyone with bad intentions that found the meadow were driven out by the Centaurs. Soon, the Phoenixes stumbled across the meadow and worked with the Centaurs to harvest the herbs to help others.

The Phoenix Camp can be found on the northwestern part of the map near Haggleton. The location can be visited at any level, but its surrounding mobs are meant for players that are Level 65 and above. Flying on a broom is the best way to get to the camp.

Geography & Environment

The Phoenix camp is hidden deep within the forest and can often go unnoticed. Surrounded by oak and spruce trees, the camp is intentionally difficult to locate. There is a swamp nearby the camp, but otherwise, the area is fairly unremarkable. The meadow the camp is in has an abundance of plant life and greenery, with the Phoenix camp being as unintrusive of the environment as possible.

For a time, Nocen’s Bliss struggled to grow in the area due to the overharvesting done by previous inhabitants. However, the plant has a defence mechanism that has allowed it to continue on. Those who become greedy while harvesting the plant find that the herb refuses to grow. Once the greedy harvesters leave the area, the Nocen’s Bliss begins to grow once again. The Phoenixes managed to harvest the plant slowly, ensuring a steady supply of Nocen’s Bliss that they can ship out to help other magicals.


The table below includes all of the quests currently available in the Phoenix Camp, listing their name, required level, and starting NPC with coordinates. Once the player meets the required level, they can go to the NPC to begin the quest.

Quest Name Level Starting NPC & Coords
Tainted Blood 67 Rena, 1409 10 3789
Plant Protection Program 69 Rena, 1409 10 3789

Creatures and Plants

Local mobs within the surrounding Dark Forest include Level 66 Boglogs to the southeast and Level 69 Manticores to the north. These mobs will drop their respective mob drops, Level 61-70 Gear Recipes, and have a chance of dropping Year 7 broom materials and recipes.

There are Gurgle Weed Lvl. 60 plant nodes that can be harvested fairly close to the camp.

Hidden Chests

There are no hidden chests located in the Phoenix Camp.


  • The meadow is sometimes called “Healer’s Haven” due to the herbs that grow there.